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[From the pen of Margo Eve Meadowes, about her series of books on the first wizarding war: Unfortunate stories of Known and Unknown Heroes]

I came in touch with Mary MacDonald when I was very young and, as everyone did, I felt like she was absolutely average, absolutely normal. She was just kind, brave, hopeful Mary. The reality is, that even the most average person, like Mary, can have an extraordinary power inside of them.

It does not come from talent, but from courage.

I decide to write her story because I believe she was a hero, even if people don't know her. I decide to write her story to prove that everyone has an impact on history, on people's heart. I decide to write her story to show that every story is worth telling.

I decide to write her story because Mary deserves to be remembered.

The story of Mary MacDonald is just one among the many tragedies of the first wizarding war, but that doesn't mean it's unimportant.

You'll read about people you already know, you'll hear the stories of the heroes you have already heard about - Lily Evans, James Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Edgar Bones... - but this time, Mary will have justice.

Please, remember, this story is not a fairytale, it has no happy ending.
Actually, it has no ending at all.


Our story begins with a little girl hiding behind a library...

many moons ago - mary macdonaldWhere stories live. Discover now