1: New School

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-Author Pov-

Felix is driving the car almost arriving to there new home, while Y/n is looking around the city of Seoul, South Korea. where she will be living for the rest of her High school years. She is not sure what to think. She wants to be happy but she just can't.

-Y/n pov-

"we are here Y/niee~! Are you ready for a new start?" Felix said while doing a little clap. "no" I said bluntly. "Oh come on Y/n please just try to make friends!" Felix yelled a little. I role my eyes and walk out of the car.

-3 Hours Later-

we finished un packing and my room actually looks nice, surprisingly. It's almost 10 Pm, I should probably go to bed. I ran towards my closet and get into a pair of shorts and a long shirt. then slip under my blankets and go to sleep.

-Next Day: Monday-

*BeEp BeEp BeEp* I slowly got up from my bed pouting not wanting to get off my ass an go to school. Suddenly my brother barged into my room. "TiMe FoR sChOoL Y/nIeE~" Felix yelled with his morning voice. "yeah yeah yeah I know... Now get out I am gonna take a shower and then get dressed. *15 minutes later* I got out of the shower and head to my closet. I grab a red plaid skirt shorts that has chains connected to the side and a black tube top that has buttons that go down the front of it. I Put that on and slipped on a medium net pair of tights then I finally put my black ankle boots on then head downstairs.

-At School-

As soon as I step out of my brothers car all eyes were on me and my brother. There were boys whistling and girls squealing. "wah who is he?" one girl said "are they siblings?" said another girl "Damn that's the finest girl I have seen yet." and one of the boys that was next to the girls said. Me and My brother just ignored them and walked inside the school.

-??? Pov-

I was hanging with the guys when two new students came into the school. The odd thing about them is that they seem so familiar. "Soobin hyung are they new?" Kai asked. "well obviously!" Yeonjun said even though he asked Soobin. "I wonder who they are." Beomgyu said while trying to get a better view of the new kids. I could see every ones eyes on them. "FELIX! Y/N!" a guy named Hyunjin screeched. Wait Felix... I take a quick glimpse at Felix. Oh my god. If that's Lee Felix... Does that mean... I pushed Beomgyu and Soobin out of the way and look at the girl that was hugging Jeongin at the moment. Holy shit it really is you! I was just about to walk up to them when Yeonjun stopped me. "Yah where are you going we got to go to class." I just groaned and just decided to talk to Y/n later.

-At Class-

Everyone was just chatting until the Teacher came in with Y/n following behind her. "Alright class get in your seats so our new student can introduce themselves." the teacher said. The students immediately got in there seats and I could defiantly tell all the students were interested on knowing who she was. "Hi I am Lee Y/n and I'm 17, I have an older brother named Lee Felix who will also be attending here. Please take care of me." Y/n put a slight smile on her face and then faced the teacher.

"alright any question for Ms. Y/n?" Everyone started to shout multiple questions at the same time. "Yah! One at a time!" everyone got silent and one boy asked the first question. "Where are you from?" one of the boys near the front asked. "I'm from Daegu." she simply responded. "Are you single?" another boy asked. What kind of question is that?! "that-" the teacher was cut off by Y/n. "Yes I am." The boys started to do a slight cheer. Man I just want to go up to Y/n and tell everyone she belongs to me I swear! "Why did you move?" a girl asked. I could tell Y/n was a bit taken aback about that question. Her eyes became glossy. what happened to her? "Family business" she said coldly.

"Alright that is enough questions. Y/n you may sit next to Taehyun, Taehyun raise your hand please." I raise my hand and Y/n made her way towards me. Oh my god I just want to scream my lungs out. Thank you! Thank you! Now we can reunite finally! "hey Y/n" I said with a huge smile. I expected her o come and hug me or somethin but that was not the case. "uh hi?" she responds and sits in the seat next to mine. Does she not remember me? But we promised we would never forget each other. How could you forget me Y/n? Well I guess I will have to make you remember me, Lee Y/n.

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