2: The Project

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-Y/n Pov: 1 week Later: Beginning of school-

"Yah Jisung gIvE iT bAcK tO mE~" Minho was chasing after Jisung to get his phone back while I sit with Jeongin on a bench watching this whole scene play out. "Jisung is gonna get it" Changbin sighed. I just nod my head and lean back on the bench. "AaHh HeLp Y/n PwEaSe~" Jisung screeched. Minho was on top of Jisung at this moment pretty much sitting on him while scrolling on his phone. "that's what you get for taking my phone you squirrel!" I giggled at the two who are now probably gonna argue for the rest of the day.

"Hey Y/n!" someone shouted from behind me. I turn around and see that Taehyun guy again.. He has not left me alone ounce since I have gotten here. "oh.. Hey Tae..." I slightly smiled at Tae as he ran over to us with a bag in his hand. "have you eaten yet?" Taehyun asked. I shook my head in response. "Great because I bought you a muffin from that new café down the street." He said with a big smile plastered on his face. Well know one has ever done that for me before. "oh no coffee?" I said deciding to tease him a little bit. "oh I am so sorry I can go and ge-" I cut him off. "I'm just joking Tae. Thank you for getting me the muffin. your the first person that has done something like that for me." I give him the best smile I can give him. Before he could say anything the bell rings. he grabs my hand and drags me to our fist class.

-Time skip: Almost end of class-

"Alright class put your books away and listen up" The teacher sat up from her desk and made her way to the front. "So we will be doing a project based on the play script we just read. You will be partners with the person that sits next to you. you have until Wednesday to turn it in. It does not matter what the topic is. It just has to be based on the play and has to be minimal of two to three pages long. no less and no more than that many pages, understood?" we nod our heads at the teacher. "Okay then you may talk to your partners for the rest of class."

I turn my head to Taehyun to see he is already smiling. Oh jeez this is gonna be interesting. "give me your phone Taehyun." I said and put my hand out. He looks at me confused but ends up giving me his phone. I enter my number in it then give him back his phone. Send me a message saying that its you so I can text you my address. We will discuss the project at my house later today." I said right before the bell rings. Good timing Y/n, good timing. I grab my stuff and walk away from Taehyun.

-Time Skip: Lunch Time-

I was sitting next to Jeongin and Bang Chan waiting for Felix to bring my food with the rest of the boys. "Y/n, who is your partner for the English assignment?" Bang Chan asked. "I have Kang Taehyun." I sighed. "Oh, so the guy that is talking to your brother." Jeongin said. "wait wh-" I turn my head around facing where my brother is, and they were right Taehyun was talking to Felix. I wonder what they are talking about.

-Felix Pov-

"Taehyun? is that you?" The boy turns around facing me and it really was Taehyun. I pull him into a quick hug. "Hey Felix long time no see." Taehyun said letting go of the hug. "Wow you haven't changed at all." I laughed a lot as he dramatically puts his hand on his heart acting like it hurt. "Ouch man that hit me right in the feels." We both laugh. hi sighed a little and the smile left his face. "whats wrong Taehyun? I didn't mean to affend you I me-" He cut me off. "No no no Its not that. Its just how you can remember me but Y/n can't" I sigh. "tell your friend to grab your lunch I'd rather not say here." He nods and tells his friend to grab his lunch while I tell Hyunjin to grab mine and Y/n's lunch. "lets go" I said then we head out of the cafeteria.

We head up to the roof top and we sit on one of the benches. "Listen to me carefully Taehyun. Its not like she wanted to forget you but she had no choice." I said. He looked at me confused. I look down at my feet. "Y/n Lost her memories Taehyun." I look up at Taehyun to see his eyes get watery. "W-what How?" I look down and start to explain.

-FLASHBACK: Author Pov-

"A-appa can you pick me up I don't feel good." Y/n said through the phone. She actually felt fine she just didn't feal like staying at school all day so she just faked sick. "Of course sweetie~ Eomma and Appa are on there way right now." Her father said then hung up the phone. Y/ns father arrived ten minutes later picking her up from the front of the school. She pulled the long face real quick acing like she was really sick.

They were at a green light and just about to turn, then all of a sudden a semi came crashing into the car making Y/n slam her head against the car door while glass flew from every direction and the car doing a quick flip in the air she slowly looked at her parents to see them covered in blood. that was the last thing she saw before she blacked out.

After about 3 weeks Y/n finally woke up, but the only thing she could remember was they day of the car crash. She blamed her self for that car crash everyday. she always though if only she just sucked it up and stayed at school for those last few hours that would have never happened and her parents would still be alive. Y/n didn't even fully remember her brother at first but gained the memory of her brother by being shown pictures of them together as they grew older and older together.

-End Of Flashback: Felix Pov-

"She went threw Hell." Taehyun said with tears streaming down his face. I nod not knowing what to say. "Is there any way I can make her remember me?" He asked with a little hope in his voice. "she still has many photos of you guys together. Maybe try to prove to her that was you. Give her time and don't pressure her into remembering you." I said putting my hand on Taehyun's shoulder to reassure him that one day she will remember him. At least that is what I am hoping for. He nods and wipes his tears. "We should probably get to lunch" I said. He then nods and we head to the cafeteria.

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