3: My Girl

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-End Of School-

I walked outside and was soon greeted by an all to familiar dolphin scream. "Jeongin. What now?" I said rolling my eyes as Jeongin hides behind me while Felix looks like he might murder Jeongin. "Well I know this might sound weird but all I wanted to do was take my noona on a FRIENDLY date but Felix is over reacting about it and saying I am gonna pull a move on you." Jeongin made sure emphasize the word "friendly".

"My god Felix, Jeongin do you want to come over later?" I asked jeongin while trying to face him as he was still trying to hide behind me. "Yeah can we watch movies and cook those cookies like we use to?" Jeongin did a little clap while giving a big smile. "Yes we can make cookies." I replied. Jeongin seemed like he was about to say something when he was interrupted by someone.

"Hey Sweetheart long time no see!" said someone from behind me that had a voice that was immediately recognizable. "What the fu-" I was cut off by Felix. "what the hell do you want BamBam" Felix said pretty much growling. "obviously to see my lovely Girlfriend." BamBam said while his lips formed into a smirk. "I am not your damn girlfriend anymore BamBam." I snapped. "oh how my princess has gotten a lot feistier since the last time I saw her." BamBam chuckled lowly. "Yeah you made her like that ever since you cheated on her!" Felix yelled making pretty much everyone that was outside stare at us.

I looked around to see some people recording and I saw Taehyun and his friends trying to push threw the crowd to what I am assuming to see what is going on. "Oh come on don't tell me you haven't gotten over that baby, It was years ago." BamBam walked closer grabbing a strand of my hair and placing it behind my ear. I threw his hand away from face harshly "The Hell! You cheated on me for a whole ass year with my Damn best friend! Also, it was not years ago it was literally last year, Also matter of fact I am over it. I'm over you so leave me the hell alone BamBam." I was extremely pissed at this point and I wanted to punch BamBam across his freaking face.

BamBam grabbed me by the waist pulling me closer to him. "Well now she's gone babe. So me and you can be together again. what do you say baby?" He smirked as he was just about to bring his lips closer to mine someone punched him across the face. BamBam fell back on the ground holding his face. I turned to the side to see who punched BamBam and I see Taehyun looking at BamBam like he might just about kill the man.

Taehyun went up to BamBam grabbing him by the collar "Stay the hell away from My Girl" Taehyun yelled at him right in the face. My girl? What the hell does he mean by that? "Oh yeah, and what are you gonna do about it." BamBam wiped a little blood of his face hat was coming out from his nose. "I. Will. Beet. Your. Ass." Taehyun said before letting go of BamBam harshly. he was about to wallk towards me when BamBam pushed Taehyn harshly making him stumble, but I end up catching him.

"no one get away from me after they just punched me in the face" BamBam said and cracked his neck a little walking towards me and Taehyun. I quickly put Taehyun behind me. "move baby before you end up getting hurt to." BamBam looked down at me so that's when I took my chance and punched him hard across the face right where the cheekbone was. which hurt my hand a little bit. I could hear everyone gasp. "for god damn sakes I am not your Damn baby, babe, sweetheart, or whatever you call me! We are over, and have been over for a long time now! Now leave before I kick you right where the sun don't shine!" I turn to Taehyun and grab his wrist. "Taehyuns coming over." I said to Felix as I walk past him.

-15 minutes later-

Me and Taehyun were sitting in my room, both of us not daring to speak, until Taehyun broke the silence. "D-do you wa-wanna maybe work o-on the project?" Taehyun asked. I just nod my head and grab his wrist and grab our bags heading to the small library part of me and my brothers house.

-After about 2 hours-

"ahh finally~" Taehyun said all cutely while sprawling himself across the floor. I look down at him and giggle. "Do you wanna maybe spend the night Taehyun-si?" I asked. Wait What!?!? I mentally slapped myself. I quickly feel heat rush up to my cheeks. "I would love to but I don't have any extra clothes." Taehyun said while he sat up. "I am sure my brother can lend you some clothes." OMG wHaT aM I SaYiNg?! "alrighty then I guess I will spend the night then." Taehyun sat next to me and smiled.

HELLO EVERYONE! I just wanted to say thank you for those who are reading my book and I just want to say if you are liking the book please vote! It would mean a lot to me! Thank you~ I hope you have a wonderful day and stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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