chapter 3

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its been a few days since I started at scoops ahoy!. staring at the wall, you hear your name "y/n! come over here please" steve said. turning on my heels I head to the back leaving robin to serve Erica, a girl that kept coming for free samples. "I heard my name" you say, "yeah, I don't think you and dustin had a proper meeting." steve said. "right, y/n y/l/n" you say turning to dustin to shake his hand, "dustin Henderson" he said returning the favor.

"so steve are you actually going to help us... or?" you say clearly annoyed your co-worker hasn't been helping at all since you started. "well actually, I thought you could help us with something" steve said trying to persuade you into something. "uhm, depends what it is Harrington" you reply, "can you read Russian?" steve spat out rather quickly.

"what?" you say taken back by surprise. "can you read Russian?" dustin repeated. "no I cant fucking read Russian guys" you say laughing. "whats going on here?" robin said, "hey my board! that had important data shitbirds!" robin said angrily. steve and dustin look at each other trying to say something, they then look back at you. you throw your hands up in surrender and go to sling ice-cream. "hey wait! don"t leave me alone with them" robin says looking back at you. "what about the customers?" you say not realizing what time it was. "y/n I just finished closing-" robin says looking at you like your an idiot. "oh shit, sorry I didn't know" you say chuckling. robin starts laughing too. "so lets hear it." robin says looking at the boys.

"hear what?" they both say trying to lie but it clearly not working. "you guys talk really loud, I heard the whole thing about evil Russians plotting against us" robin said mocking them. "oh cmon! im fluent in 4 languages y'know" robin said sitting down. "Russian" excitement running through dustin's voice. "no, but I can speak Spanish, french, and Italian. I've also been in band for 12 years." robin said trying to convince them to give her the tape. "c'mon I don't even want credit im just bored" robin said. steve looking at dustin, then at robin, then at you. sighing steve gives robin the tape. she smirks at you and opens the dictionary.


you pack up your things and start exciting scoops. "hey y/n!" robin said running behind you, turning around to stop you say "yeah robin?". she stands in front of you and starts fiddling with her fingers. "uhm well I was wondering if you wanted to come over my place to work on this stupid Russian tape" she said very quickly. you look behind you at the front doors and say, "yeah, sure" robin starts smiling and says "cool, let me go grab my stuff" she turns around and starts running to scoops again.

it only took her like 3 minutes to come back. "you ready?" she says "yeah" you say smiling. you guys go to the parking lot and decide just to take your car. you guys both climb in your car, putting the key in the lock cylinder hearing the engine start you smile at her and start driving. she's giving you directions to her place and you start feeling something in your stomach. butterflies? no you don't get butterflies around anyone- well there was something about her.

"so y/n tell me something about yourself" robin says looking at you, "erm well I lived in Hawkins my whole life" you say. "boring!" robin says chuckling "c'mon give me more than that" you start to laugh too. "uhhh the real reason I got fired from my last job was because...." you start to say, "because..." robin says now clearly intrigued. "you're going to think im crazy" you say chuckling. "no, I won't promise". she says in a welcoming tone, "well I kinda cursed out my boss...." you say. "that's not crazy robin said, "I wasn't finished yet" you say turning to her for a split second. "continue" "after I cursed him out I fucking. broke. his. window." you say looking at the road.

robin starts laughing hysterically "no way, no way!" she says looking at you. you start laughing with her. "yep, and I somehow didn't get the police called on me" you both start laughing even harder. "wait, wait turn right there!" robin says as you almost miss her driveway. "oh shit!" you say quickly turning.

pulling into her driveway you and her are still laughing. "is no one here?" you say, "nope, that's why I asked you to keep me company" robin says, "parents went somewhere for like a week" she said. "oh okay, well c'mon or we'll never get to the tape" you start laughing again. "shit why did I forget about that?" robin starts laughing with you.


and they were roommates ;). two updates in one day damn-. y'all I've been listening to "drivers license all day! its so good. also sorry for the cliff-hanger but I had to do it. I will probably update tomorrow lol .again if you see grammatical errors im sorry. also sorry if this chapter makes no sense lol. hope yall have a good day!!!!!

<3 again call me anything lol

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