chapter 1

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you wake up and roll to the side of the bed- you look at the time and realize that you are late for your new job since you got fired from your last one. "FUCK" you yelled. quickly getting up and run to the bathroom to at least look presentable. brushing your teeth and hair you quickly got to your closet to pick out clothes.

you open up your closet grabbing a rainbow stripped long sleeve shirt along with a pair of light-washed jeans and a belt. getting dressed as fast as you can you run out of your room slipping your plain vans on and grabbing your keys you wave a goodbye to your mom and sprint out of the door.

finally after what felt like hours driving in Hawkins traffic you arrive at the Starcourt mall. throwing open the door and running to the escalator you see yourself in front of your new job Scoops Ahoy. walking into your new job you see a beautiful girl- probably a high school student, she has brunette hair, beautiful blue eyes- that you could stare into forever.

she must've realized your were staring because after a while she says "take a picture it lasts longer". taken by surprise you shake your head to introduce yourself, "oh uhm sorry- my name is y/n y/l/n im the new employee here" she looks up at you and says "robin buckley" you smile slightly and start your way towards the counter.


you made small talk with your 2 new employees your whole shift. your other employee was named steve Harrington. after a few hours you go to the back grabbing your keys, you turn around to see robin standing there.

jumping slightly, "jesus you scared me-" you said, "yeah I can see that" she replied smirking. "so you never told me why you started working here" robin stated curiously sitting down on a chair, "I needed a job" you said back to her. "well obviously but why here? its not like we get a lot of money anyways" you stand there debating on whether or not to tell her you got fired from your last one.

deciding not to you say "well, I will tell you that later" still standing there in front of her, "oh come on why not now" she says, clearly annoyed you can tell. "goodnight robin" smirking you make your way out of scoops.

opening the car door you climb in, putting the keys in the lock cylinder turning them so the car starts, buckling you start your drive home. your house isn't far from the mall only like 15 minutes. blasting music to tune out your thoughts you finally arrive in your driveway. taking you keys out of the lock cylinder you don't get out of the car you just sit there looking at your house. after like 2 minutes you decide to finally go in.

getting your house key and sticking it in the doorknob to unlock it, you push open the door to step in and then close it behind you. stepping out of your shoes you start your way to your room. most people when they get home from work or school would announce that they are home but not you. you would give a wave sometimes but otherwise than that nothing. you didn't have a great relationship with your parents. dinners would either be filled with arguing or just complete silence.

making it to your room you push the door open revealing your slightly messy room. sure you were home all day before you got the job at scoops but you just never had the motivation to clean it. turning the light on and then you begin taking your clothes off and picking out pajamas to got take a shower. turning on the water and stepping in you get your washcloth making sure to lather it in soap and begin washing yourself. deciding that washing your hair was a good idea you get shampoo and put it on your hands. rubbing them together and then begin scrubbing your head with the shampoo. making sure to rinse all of the shampoo out you take conditioner repeating the same process you did with the shampoo you turn off the water and step out.

slipping a oversized t-shirt on and a pair of shorts you dry your hair, and turn off your light. making your way to the bed you climb on it and lay down to bring the blankets over you. looking at the time it reading 11:30pm you shut your eyes and start drifting to sleep.



hey guys! this is the first chapter. if you see any misspelling or grammatical errors its because I don't re-read the chapters.a short chapter because its only the first one but they will get longer along the way. hope y'all have a great night/morning/afternoon. until nest time :)

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