II. Twist of Fate

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Walking back and forth in his hotel room, jieun sighed in exasperation as she pulled her hair. It was supposed to be a mini-sibling reunion but all she could talk about was that of every contributing factor that messed up her surprise visit. Why does she have to forget the room number out of all?

"Oppa ,can you believe that? I freaking hugged a total stranger!" she said anxiously, facing jongsuk who's currently busy munching his chips on a sofa while watching tv.

"I thought it was you..." she began once again, twisting her fingers against her hair. "Oh gosh that was so freaking embarrassing, I couldn't even apologize" she added.

"you already told me that jieun, 5 times to be exact" her brother replied monotonously, shoving a handful of chips inside his mouth, eyes still glued on the NBA finals he's watching. Hearing the story repeatedly, he was able to develop the talent of passive listening.

Not pleased by the lack of reaction, jieun shoot him daggers, dragging her feet towards the couch, sitting a few feet away from him.

Oblivious of the situation, jongsuk celebrated when his favorite team won, spilling some of the chips on the process as he jumped out from his seat. Jieun look at his brother with disgust. She wonders how someone so immature like him become a model. "Poor golden closet ,must have been a headache" she muttered to herself as she shakes her head while watching him scream, raising a fist on air, hugging his snack with the other.

"Jieun look at that!" he was pointing to the screen, overjoyed by the result. But to no avail there was no response, looking at her direction, he saw her sulking. Putting away the bag of chips, he close their distance, nudging her a little.

"Hey, are you okay? "

There was a brief silence before she sighed tiredly. It wasn't his fault to begin with, she was just anxious and too ashamed of what she did. It was actually thanks to her brother who went out from his room at that very moment that she was saved from further humiliation.


"you're not mad or anything?" He asked cautiously.

"No." she replied blandly. Bending his head a little to see her face, jongsuk's brows furrowed "But you are." that was a statement.
"I'm not" she insisted, looking sideways to avoid him. She was definitely irritated, but not because of her brother, well partly but mostly it's because of what happened. She was annoyed on herself for being so clumsy.

"Stop getting anxious jieun, get over with it okay?" he tried to lift her mood up.

"How can I? I mean how..." she was about to start ranting once again when she realized it. Maybe she should try to stop being paranoid. Her shoulder sagged and finally she faced him.

"I'm sorry, we were supposed to catch up but here I am.."

"Hey.. it's fine" cutting her off jongsuk chuckled and ruffled her hair. " I'm sorry if I was being insensitive" he continued. "It's just that I don't want you to make it a big deal okay? It's not like you kiss him or what..."

"Oppa" jieun slapped his shoulder. Right her brother tends to exaggerate stuff.

"I'm just kidding" jongsuk tried so hard to contain his laugh.Clearing his throat he started to talk again, swallowing the urge to tease her.

"I'm actually glad that was only the case, if not I might have gone mad and punch that guy..When I saw you both ,I thought you are going to ki..." jongsuk's statement was halted once again when Jieun hit him with a pillow.

"Hey you're getting abusive" he chuckled.

"Serves you right, you're really not helping.." she replied her face displaying she was getting irritated once again.

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