Part 11

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Junmyeon's POV

Junmyeon sat in the meeting room as he waited for the rest of the members to show up. He couldn't believe that he had actually gotten a text from Sehun. He had been sitting in his office, gathering his thoughts after the conversation with Baekhyun, when the message came through.

Meet me where it all ends. Tomorrow, 1500.

The words were cryptic, and Junmyeon fucking hated riddles but, it was clear, by the date and time on the bottom of the message, that they needed to figure out the location soon. Sehun wanted to meet in 15 hours.

Junmyeon couldn't help but be confused about the meeting. Was it a trap? How far gone had Sehun become? What if it wasn't Sehun that had texted him? What if the Baem had caught on to Sehun's sneaking around? So many scenarios ran through Junmyeon's mind, and he couldn't help that his mind always went straight to the horrible thoughts. It's how he was raised.

He looks at the text again once he notices everyone has finally arrived and they could begin the meeting. It didn't escape him that you and Baekhyun were the last to arrive; or that both of your lips were slightly swollen. Junmyeon takes a deep breath to calm down. He had been expecting this would happen. He needed to accept that this was his life now.

It did help that you and Baekhyun both had shy smiles on your faces as you walked to two empty seats by each other and that Baekhyun was looking at you like you were his entire world. The other men notice your behavior and quickly look to see Junmyeon's reaction, but he ignores them. Instead, he chooses to look at Minseok, who offers him a shit-eating grin.

With a sigh, Junmyeon reads the text out loud and looks around the room to gauge their reactions. "Any thoughts?"

Jongin was the first to speak, and he voices the exact thoughts running through Junmyeon's mind. "Where it all ends? Where what all ends?"

"More like, where does no memory Sehun think it all ends?" Yixing reminds them.

Junmyeon looks around the room as he runs possible locations through his mind when his eyes fall on you. You bit your lip as a curious look sat on your face, making Junmyeon think you had something to add to the discussion but weren't sure about it.

"Y/N," Junmyeon calls, getting your attention. "What's up?"

"Well... it's just that Sehun has been remembering extremely important information, right?" Junmyeon hmms in acknowledgment, giving you confirmation. "And there's something that I've been curious about myself... What'd you do with Kyungsoo's ashes, or with any other member's ashes for that matter?"

Holy shit. That's it, the place where it all ends.

"You, my beautiful sister, are a freaking genius!"

"Kind of just smacks you in the face when you think about it," Minseok jokes about their obliviousness.

You look around the room, waiting for someone to actually mention the location but, when they don't, you clearly get frustrated. "Okay, but where is it?"

"It's at the tip of the bay," Chanyeol quietly responds. "There's woods behind the marina that take you out to a small, private beach. That's where we pour out the ashes. It's secluded, and it gives us a place to say goodbye."

Junmyeon studies Chanyeol. He would have to be blind to not see the small changes that were taking place in the once fiery man. Minseok had told him that Chanyeol had apologized to a couple of people over the past couple of days, you being one of them. Junmyeon was happy that Chanyeol was in a place where he was ready to start making up for his mistakes. It meant that he was close to excepting help.

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