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"Shut it. No one cares about your stupid feelings."

Unity dragged me into the store and towards the dresses. I sighed as she looked through racks trying to look for a dress. She always drags me into this crap.

"I told you I'm not going this year. And even if I was why are you buying dresses so early?"

Unity looked at me with a glare. She clicked her tongue and turned back to the dresses dissapearing into the store.

"First of all, do you know how expensive dresses get towards the end of the year? It's like looking for a needle in a pile of needles. Second, your going this year! It's our first year of school and I'm not going without you."

I followed her around not really into any of the dresses. I like dresses, but these seemed like the short and sparkly, look at me, kind of dresses. If I were to wear one at the dance, which I'm not going to, I'd go for more of along basic dress. It's more comfortable that way as well.

"Go with your boyfriend. Whats his name? Uh, Liam?" She scoffed and turned around to look at me.

"No it's Luke. Where'd you get Liam?" I shrugged. It's you who likes the werid ones not me.

I sighed and put my hands into my coat pockets starting to get a bit cold. I need to move around more, this stopping in one place isn't going to work for me.

"Hey, Unity. I'm going to get something warm to eat. Want anything?" She pushed out her lips in thought, only to shake her head.

"Nah, I ate before you picked me up. I'll either be in her or across the street when your done." I nodded and walked out of the store to the bakery next door.

I've heard around school that this bakery is really popular. Mostly for who works at the register, but they've said good stuff about their bread as well. Hopefully, that'll warm me up. I need to be warm.

I walked up to the empty counter to look at the menu. I wasn't sure what to get so I get went for the bread with a raspberry filling. I haven't had one of those in a long time.

I started to bring my wallet out when I heard the door to the back open.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I looked up and smiled at the guy infront of me. I told him my order and he took my card. I couldn't help but look at the guy for a little longer.

"Is there something you need?" He spoke breaking my stare. Embarrassed I shook my head and tried my best to make sense.

"Sorry. You just remind me of a friend from years ago. He used to be my only friend." I smiled awkwardly cursing at myself. I sounded so stupid!

"Now worries. I'm kind of used the stares now. But I've never heard that excuse to stare before." He looked at me with a smirk.

I looked back confused. He really thinks I'm lying?

"I'm being serious." He nodded holding his hands up.

"Okay." I crossed my arms and shook my head. Now he was getting on my nerves.

"Seriously. We even called ourselves ten and eleven. Because we'd fight over who's favorite number was better. Eventually it stuck. But go ahead, don't believe me."

Another guy from in the back came out and gave me my order. I thanked him and was about to walk away when the guy behind the counter called for me.

"You forgot your card." I walked back and thanked him. He didn't speak or even really look back at me but I smiled anyway.

I walked out of the store and looked towards the shop next door confused to see a group of what looked like girls and the back of Unity. I walked towards her putting my bread in my backpack.

"What's going on?" I stood next to Unity trying to see what was happening. She just giggled and grabbed my arm tightly. I winced and she gave me a sorry look.

"Look, someone just posted that the Busan Brothers actually got into the school!"

I looked at her phone super confused. Busan Brothers? Who? Why do you girls always fan over guys they barely know?

"Aish, Y/n. You need to check your socials more. How can you not know them? They're four brothers all super hot but super different. They say that their like some of Korea's best singers and rappers. "

I gagged. Unity seeing this she slapped me playfully. "Honey, you have a boyfriend."

She scrunched her nose and crossed her arms turning off her phone. She then proceeded to walk towards the car probably ready to go back to the dorms.

"So? I can still look at guys. It's not like I'm going to break up with Luke in seconds." I laughed.

She linked her arm around mine and thought for a second.

"Well, if they confessed to me first, than I would."

Raven Haired Boy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now