Brothers Profile

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Hoseok looked back and watched as the long car drove away. He smirked.

"Sly dog." He continued up towards the entrence of the gala. The gala was emptied just for the party as at least 200 people were going to be there. It didn't surprise any of them though. They were all used to this.

"Where's Jungkook?" Jimin walked up next to Hoseok as they both wlaked through people trying to get around to the second level.

"How would I know? You know he doesn't like parties." Jimin agreed with Hoseok as everyone followed behind them down to the second floor.

Usually at these kind of parties the reason that there are 200 people is because you have your usual 100 adults. And then, you have your 100 young adults you camp downstairs most of the time. Mostly to ignore the business talk.

As soon as everyone got downstairs they divided, except for Yoongi, Jimin, Ryujin, and Yeji. Those for went to a booth and drank for a bit.

Ryujin and Jimin on the other hand, both drank to their needs. Jimin not quite close to his limit but Ryujin close enough.

"Who does she think she is?" Ryujin surred her loud words catching everyones attention.

"Dressing like a slut in front everyone acting all innocent. Bitch knows what she did."

"Ryu, stop drinking so much." Yeji patted her head trying to clam her down.

Yoongi on the other side of the table chuckled. He thought it was hilarious.

"Keep going Ryu. What else do you hate about Y/n?"

Yeji glared at Yoongi but that didn't stop him nor her.

"Everything! She thinks just because she can ruin my life, she can come into our territory?! No. Not okay."

Ryujin went for another shot but Yeji quickly pulled it away.

"That's enough. I didn't need a drink friend. What's so bad about Y/n anyway? She seems so nice."

"Nice? You mean nice enough to catch Jungkook's attention?" Everyone went silent.

They all knew how she felt about Jungkook. And they all knew how he felt about her. It was one of the worst mixes that could have happened. But it did.

Yoongi was the only one who didn't feel bad. People might hate him for that. Thy also might hate him for being rude to the younger ones but he knew what he was doing.

Yes, it was kind of wrong to enjoy it, but he was just showing everyone common sense. Not too mention, Ryujin had her shot and she blew it.

Jungkooknever felt the same and Yoongi being hard on Ryujin was just trying to show her that Jungkook is no longer in her grasp.

He grew up with Ryujin, and it hurts to see her hurt. But it hurts him more so see her not move on.

And Jungkook, he's always been hard on him. Hoping that he'd pop him out of his shell so he could speek his mind. Whether that be through anger or worse. Sadness.

Either way, no matter what anyone thinks about Yoongi, he doesn't care. He knows the steps ahead he's taking and he's willing to take them for other people.

"You guys are a bore. Let's go talk to some girls."

Jimin stood up walking away from fhe others to find someone else to talk to.

Jimin never could really go a week with out at least making out with one girl. He just tried it one day and it became a habit.

It was a terrible one and it made people think of him as a n8ce person but he only really did it for the missing lips he wish he could touch.

No it wasn't Ryujins. He knew that girl was so obsessed with Jungkook that even if he tried one second, he'd get thrown across the world.

To be completely honest, he didn't know who he longed for. But it was someone. Everytime he thought about kissing their lips he'd get butterflies.

But thats the thing, everytime he saw that person in his head, he always saw a blank face. It was like rewayching the same part of a dream everyday.

So to make up for it, he'd imagine he wss kissing her as he kissed other girls. But he knew it would never be as wonderful as kissing her one day. If he ever got to.

But that's how he tricks himself into doing it. He tells himself he just searching. Searching for her hopeful to find her one day.

Jimin accidently bumped into Hoseok on his way to the bar. Hoseok rolled his eyes and continued to talk to one of his close friends.

As for Hoseok, he likes to call himself the boring one. He usually gives people the intrisg in his brothers so he doesn't have to deal with people.

He also likes to do things himself, he is the second oldest of the four so he tries his best to bisg up their mood. Especially if Yoongi's put everyone down.

That's the good thing about Hoseok. He's always able boost everyone up and convince them to do something. An Y thing in fact.

Sometimes he thinks that they're just doing it not to be rude, but he did test that one day and the results turned out negative.

They litterally jist do as he says, which helps with fights and other things. Which also makes him more of an older beother than Yoongi, but Hoseok knows his place.

Hoseok has his small details about him, but he never looked at himself as being as intriguing as his brothers. Maybe because he always expresses himself enough to make people know about him.

But if that makes him boring, he wouldn't mind.

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