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Sitting behind the passenger seat, Mihrae crossed her legs sitting next to me. She wore a very dark cloak and skirt. She called me saying she wanted to take me to lunch, but I knew it was for something else. There was no way she was just going to take me out to lunch like a normal parent.

As we reached the restaurant, we sat down at a table and Mihrae ordered wine right away. I rolled my eyes. I swear she couldn't go a week without it.

"So how has it been at the college?" I sighed and stayed quiet. Looking around I noticed that this was the same place that dad had taken Mihrae on their first anniversary. Why did she want to go here?

"Find you don't have to talk. At least you'll listen. I have been invited to the Jeon family party and I want you to go with me."

I turned my head quick enough to make it snap off. I scoffed and crossed my arms. "And why would I do that?"

"Because I found your mother. And since I did you a favor your going to do me one." Something in me snapped and I glared at her.

"I never asked you to look for her."

"Yeah, and I never ask you to mention me to Jeon, and yet here we are. You know how I feel about the Jeons."

Mention? I didn't mention anything. I have never even been in the same room as Mr. Jeon let alone mention it to him. Even if I was in the same room, I don't like parties they always end up being either way too boring or have way to many drugs and alcohol.

"Don't give me that look. I know you've been hanging out with the two youngest. Didn't think it would go as far as to you having them stay at the dorm, but sometimes relationships to move that quickly."

My mouth dropped a bit as realization hit me. "You've been spying on me?!" I stood up out of my chair and started to create a scene.

"Only briefly. How else am I suppose to give your father an update about you when you don't even go anywhere near me." I clenched my jaw and looked down at the floor.

"Where's my mother?" I demanded Mihrae. I only heard a small laugh come from her.

"She isn't here. So you can't just walk out of here with those long legs and run to her-"

"Where is she?!" I yelled again getting everyone's attention. Mihrae sighed and put down her drink getting a bit annoyed at my stubborn head.

"Y/n, sit down. I'll tell you. But you have to promise me you'll go to the party with me."

I sat down and glared deeper into her eyes. I have never hated someone more in my life.


"She's in Paris." My heart tightened at her words. Paris? You mean the Paris that my brother wanted to go to? The place where.....

"Oh, and don't tell your father about this. He doesn't need to know that I blackmailed you." I looked down and stood up again, this time not as dramatic.

"I'm not going to that stupid party. I didn't mention you to Jeon. The reason why Jun- the two younger brothers stayed over was because there was a storm and they didn't have a car." I walked away and back outside.

My chest started to hurt and my breathing started to get slower and slower the more I thought about my mom. I know where she is. I know exactly where she is. But I can't just go at the moment. I want to, I want to so bad. But I have to wait.

Thoughts clouded my mind as I kept walking not really paying attention to where I was going. Thoughts of hope, thoughts of sadness, and anger. I didn't know how I should feel, it's been years since I've seen mom. I wish I could just go up to her and hug her. hug her and never let go.

Someone hit my shoulder bumping me to the side of the pavement. The guy continued to walk ignoring that he had just bumped into me. I sighed and looked around now wondering where my feet had taken me. oh, the shop from two weeks ago. Maybe I can distract my mind a bit while being here.

I entered the small baking shop and calmed down a bit at the smell of baked goods. I didn't know why I like the smell, but it always had cleared my thoughts.

I walked up to the counter and ringed a small bell since I hadn't seen anyone come outside. A small smile grew on my face as I say the same boy from before come out.

"Hey, it's been a while since I've seen you. I thought you'd come at least everyday after seeing me." I chuckled and leaned a bit on the counter feeling better.

"What makes you think that?" He turned back around after putting his apron on and leaned on the other side of the counter.

"Well, I thought that your detailed lie would at least want to make you think twice about talking to someone as handsome as me."

"I told you I was telling the truth. But whatever." He smiled and looked at me slightly. I felt my stomach flip a bit as he kept eye contact.

"Well, you don't have to believe me either but I think your super pretty."

I blushed a bit and stood up straight again.

"I don't believe you so I guess we are even." I looked towards the menu and decided to pick *anything you like as long as it's a warm piece of food*.

"Okay. Is there anything your doing after this?" I looked at the black haired guy in front of me again with knitted eyebrows.

"No, I don't have classes again until tomorrow. Why?" He handed me the food and took his apron off again.

"Well, I'm done with my shift, and since I have nothing else to do either, I'd thought you'd like to hang out for a bit."

My heart started to race. Hang out? With you? With the cute guy from the cute shop?

"I don't even know your name." He smiled and walked towards the exit next to me.

"It's Chitt. But you can just call me Ten, Eleven."

Raven Haired Boy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now