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“Does anyone know that you’re back? Aside from us?”

Seulgi asked her friend who came back here in South Korea, Park Soo Young a.k.a Joy. After 2 years, They met each other.

“No one knows except you guys. I just want to keep it secret.”  Joy replied to Seulgi while looking at her friends.

“WHAT?! Do your parents know about this or not? Don’t tell me..”  Irene asked because she never thought Joy would do this to her parents.

“They not and they shouldn’t be known! I just want freedom, but still they didn’t give it to me.”

“We know that Joy but what will you do if they find you and find that you are here again?”  Wendy felt nervous because they already know what Joy parents is. Strict and Scary.

“I don’t know... I just want to stay away from them.”

“Unnie, Can I ask why here? Why do you choose Korea again?”  This time Wendy, Irene and Wendy looked what Yeri said.
They have a secret to Joy that she shouldn’t know. That’s why Yeri asked her like that.

“I—I—I—I—I just want t—t—to because I miss South Korea and I miss all of you. ”  But deep inside she missed his ex-boyfriend Kim Taehyung also known as V. She also missed her friends but it‘s different when it comes to V.

“All right. Now we should focus for your happiness.”  Irene said then she hug Joy.

“Thank you Unnie. Thank you for everything.”  She hugs Irene and can‘t stop crying. Wendy, Seulgi and Yeri also hug Joy and Irene. They love each other because they treat as a family and sisters.

“There’s a lot of schools here in Korea, but which school do you prefer you want to transfer?”  She asked Joy while giving her a smile.

“V High.”  They all shocked when Joy said that. Joy really confuses when she saw her friends acting like that

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Are you sure you want to transfer that school?”  Wendy doesn’t want her friend to transfer to that school.  Wendy, Irene, Seulgi and Yeri enrolled in that school, but that’s school is dangerous.

“V High is dangerous school.”  Yeri replied.

Joy laughed at her friends and said  “There’s nothing wrong about dangerous school. I can handle on my own.”

“That’s not funny though. You can’t join with us. You can choose another school.”  Irene is serious now. Actually four of them are serious.

“Joy, your parents doesn’t know you’re here in South Korea. What will you do if they find that their daughter studying at V High? For sure they really really really mad!”  Seulgi said.

“I don’t care. Please just let me join.”  She begs to enroll in that school. Joy didn’t know that dangerous school owned by Kim Taehyung, his ex!

“Fine.”  Four of them agreed on what Joy wants.

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