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Joy’s POV

Three days since we Red Velvet squad met and talked about something. And now I’m here in front of V High with them. I can’t believe this. The school is bigger than my school before that I studied. What’s with dangerous school here? I can’t see anything that makes me danger.

“Good luck Joy, I hope you pass the interview.”  Seulgi said to me.

“What the hell?”  I don’t know that there’s interview here. Has interview is important in this school? I hate it.

“Language Sooyoung.”  Irene said.

“Uh, I’m sorry, but what do you mean an interview? Is that really important? I want to enroll here for study not to apply at work.”  I said all of that, and I rolled my eyes.

“Hello everyone. Sorry late, but is she Joy?”  A man said then he looked at me while I gave him a death glare. Who is he? He looks close to my friends.

“Yes, she is. Jungkook, you know what to do.” Irene said to Jungkook, and now she looked at me. “We won’t come you in there since you are the one who will interview, not me, not Wendy, not Yeri and not Seulgi.”

“Okay. What are we waiting for?”

“Sorry Unnie, but I’m not the one who will interview her. Don’t worry, I will accompany her into the V Interview Room.”  He said to us and smile while looking at Yeri?

“Wait—Who will interview her?”  Why Yeri seems nervous? I don’t understand why she looks nervous same as Seulgi?

“It’s either hyung Jimin or hyung V.”

Wait. Why are they surprised? I don’t know why, but why I feel they hiding something from me?  Sigh.

“Ms. Joy, Let’s proceed to V Interview Room. Shall we?” He asked me.

 “Let’s go.” I said to that boy.

“If they ask you something be honest with the interviewer and be serious Joy.”  Wendy tells me to be serious? What’s with this school? Should I believe them that this school is dangerous?

“See you later Joy.”
“Good luck Unnie!”
“Be careful with your words!”

I waved at them as Jungkook and I left.

“So, Are you close with my friends?”  I asked him so that we can be close too if he is close with my friends.

“Only Yeri.”

I blinked twice. “Why only her? Why not four of them?”

“Long story.”

“Do you like her? Is she your girlfriend or what? I’m curious.” There’s nothing wrong if I ask him like that, right?

“We’re here. I will not enter, but knock three times before you enter.” Wait—he left me?! What the hell? How would Yeri be close to that boy? So much hate.

I took a deep breath before I knocked three times.

I heard something inside the room.
“Come in.”  Oh, It’s a boy and his voice sounds familiar.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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