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Day after day.
Rumour after rumour.
Steam after steam.
Spice after spice.
Gossip after gossip.
The Boredom soon disappeared.

"Chaeni, you have a visitor" Eomma called but I ignored her knowing she will invite them up

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"Chaeni, you have a visitor" Eomma called but I ignored her knowing she will invite them up.

I walked towards my wardrobe hanging up clean clothes until the door was knocked on "come in" I said loud enough, I heard the handle move and the door squeak a little as it opened.

I turned and then froze "oh? I know it wasn't Lana but I didn't expect you at all" I said and he closed the door and leaned on it.

"Who else would come you have no friends?" He asked and I smirked picking up a jacket.

"My weekly fuck" I said and somehow I noticed he seemed annoyed by that, he didn't like what I just said "Joking, maybe my cousin she comes alot" I said and he lifted off the door walking closer to me.

"You really had to go put on your story that, I have a sub kink and I always tell you? It seems like you want people to believe I am a sub" He said getting closer to me, I chuckled hanging up my clothes.

"Well I might be telling the truth, just because you've fucked girls doesn't mean your true kinks aren't sub or baby boy" I said and turned to him, I gasped seeing how close he was.

"Well I might be telling the truth, just because you've fucked girls doesn't mean your true kinks aren't sub or baby boy" I said and turned to him, I gasped seeing how close he was

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He leaned his head down "what do you know?" He asked in a deep voice, I was in so much shock, ive had boys this close to me...but my stomach is turning, my heart is pounding and my pussy is soaking.

"I know one thing" I said and glanced down, slowly looking back up I seen the tension on his face, he grabbed me and slammed me onto the wall making me gasp loudly.

"Just think" he said lowly moving his head towards my neck, he moved my cardigan "everyone thinks we've had sex" he said and I felt his lips on my neck, I gasped lightly feeling his lips on my skin "But we haven't, so" he paused placing his hand on my waist pulling my hips up against his "why don't we actually beat the rumours?" He whispered kissing my earlobe making me a hmm a moan.

My cardigan fell off my arms onto the floor, I leaned my head sideways giving him more access to my neck, his hand slowly going down to caress my arse...yet a harsh squeeze happened making me moan and become closer to him "I've always wondered, out of everyone, why is it that I never tried to have sex with you, I still don't know that answer" he said talking into my ear.

Boredom | 𝙅𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠 ✅Where stories live. Discover now