Chapter 15: A Birthday Present

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The week is flying by and my new job has been paying off. I've really earned my pay check. I walk into the impeccably clean building, two coffees in my hands. My black, leather purse hangs over my shoulder as I check in with Gloria and Nancy at the front desk. "Hey, Aurora." I smile shyly to Gloria and place the coffees on the counter so I can sign in. "You have no idea how amazing it is to finally have all this work off my back. You've been a life saver, Aurora." I smile and thank her before leaving them to their fun. I walk to the large familiar mahogany doors and take a deep breath. I walk in and prepare for the eyes that will turn to stare at me.

I walk in and a woman is standing in front of Mr. Strong. "Good morning, Aurora." Mr. Strong greets me warmer than usual. My heart jumps when I see Mrs. Strong turn around with an almost shocked look on her face. But I also saw pity and sadness.

"Hello, Miss. LaRue." I smile shyly. "Call me Aurora." I offer, gently, as I walk to Mr. Strong and place his coffee on his desk. "I think the woman put an extra sugar in. Sorry..." I whisper, slightly trailing off, to Mr. Strong as I look up to him. "That's a coincidence. I'm in a bit of a sweeter mood than usual." He looks at me in the eyes and I blush uncontrollably at his close proximity. I clear my throat and smile to Mrs. Strong before leaving to walk a few yards to my desk.

I've grown accustomed to working and eating in this large, extravagant office. It almost feels like home. I look at the copy of Mr. Strong's schedule and notice our first meeting is in ten minutes. "Uh-- sir, I'm sorry for interrupting, but your..."

"Yes, Aurora, can you print out those charts I asked from Rick? I'm going to need those for the meeting." I smile and get onto my computer to print out the charts. I see my wallpaper. It's a happy birthday wallpaper. I smile and remember the party for Mr. Strong on Saturday. I'm suddenly glad that it's Thursday. I smile broadly as I open the document with the charts for Mr. Strong and I hear someone clear their throat. I look up and see Mr. Strong smiling and looking at me. "Is there something amusing, Miss LaRue?" I know he only calls me that when he's trying to make me blush. It worked. I blush and look down at the keyboard of my laptop.

"No, sir."

I get up and walk to the printer across the room. I turn around and walk to Mr. Strong's desk. "Would you like me to accompany, sir?" A low hum is his only answer as he writes something on the charts that I gave him a moment ago. "No." He drops his pen and looks at me. "I think I'll try to manage without you." I smile softly and walk away to my desk. I start on our schedule for the next day, occasionally answering phone calls. I look up to the door and see Gloria chasing after a man with dark hair and green eyes. "Sir, I told you, you can't come up here without expressed permission from Mr.."

He looks over to me at my desk and calls to me. "Hey, you. Where's Ian?"

Only family calls Mr. Strong by his nick name. "You must be his brother?" I ask as I get up from my chair and walk over to him. I reach a hand out for him. "I'm Aurora, Mr. Strong's assistant and secretary." He grabs my hand roughly and I yank my hand away at the rough contact with a high harsh gasp. The man looks at me, a little worried, he almost looked lost in thought. "M-Mr. Strong is Uh-unavailable at the moment. If you follow Gloria back downstai--"

"No. No, I wanna see my big bro. Where is he?" I chuckle as his word choice. "He's in a meeting at the moment. You'll have to wait."

"Wait for what, Miss. LaRue?" I look up and see Mr. Strong just walking through the door, still looking down at files and papers that are spread across his flattened hand. "Uh-um. Your.... brother, sir." Mr. Strong looked up and his face beamed with delight. "Jay."

"Ian!" The man draws out Mr. Strong's name as he embraces him roughly, dropping all the papers in Mr. Strong's hands to the floor. I run to help the two men pick up the papers. "So, ya ready to turn twenty two?" Mr. Strong scoffs. "Hardly. I'm feeling kind of old." I chuckle softly along with the two brothers.

When we finally have picked up ever piece of paper, we get up again. "Thanks, sweetheart." Jay puts his hand on my back. I come close to a screech as I push away from his hand and right into Mr. Strong's chest. I gasp again at the contact once again. "Um-I... Excuse me." I flush red and heat boils through my face as I run out of the room. I run past the countless halls and into an empty office.

Taking deep breaths one at a time, I step out of the office and slowly make my way to the front door. It's my lunch hour anyhow.

* * *

I sit in my office chair, waiting for the day to be over. I hear laughs from the outside hallway. I frantically throw random files to my desk and pretend I haven't been watching the clock for ten minutes straight. "It's going to be a pleasure doing business with your company, Strong. Thank you for the opportunity." An older man and Mr. Strong separate after Mr. Strong closes his office door shut.

"Ugh... Brown-nosers. I'm sick of them." I hold back a giggle at his comment as he takes a seat at his desk. He covers his perfectly beautiful face with his hands and groans. "Do you need anything, Sir?" I ask gently to him. "Yes. Miss. LaRue... would you give me the best birthday present?" My eyes go wide. Uh-oh. "Would you go out to dinner with my parents and I tomorrow night? And my sisters, of course. But it's... it's a bit of a family tradition to have dinner the eve of the birthday." I stammer and stutter, once again, making a fool of my words. "Um-yes." I finally breath out. "Perfect. I'll pick you up at nine."

"Nine?" So late. Mr. Strong looks over to me from his lolled position in his chair. "Is that passed your bedtime, Miss. LaRue?" I look down to my lithe, writhing fingers in my lap, blushing tremendously. Mr. Strong lays back in his chair and looks up to the ceiling. I stare at him intently, taking in every strong, masculine feature of his face. He closes his eyes and drapes an arm across his eyes. "Can I get you something to help with your headache, Sir?" He looks up at me with inquiry across his flawless features. "You're quite observant, Aurora." I scoff. "It doesn't take observation to know when someone is in pain." My voices hitches as I realize how similarly that statement relates to me. "A glass of water would do, Aurora. Thank you." How can a statement so curt be so sweet and delicate on his lips? I'm shaken from my thoughts as I manage to get up from my chair and walk over to the cart of beverages that is in our office. I take a deep breath and hope and pray I don't make a fool of myself as I get him his glass of water. "It's very, very formal, Aurora. You'll probably want to go private shopping with my sisters tonight." I look over to Mr. Strong. "Private shopping?" He chuckles. "It's what my sisters call it. You'll see." I walk over to Mr. Strong's desk and for a split second, I thought I was about to spill the water all over him.

I hear my phone buzzing from my pocket. I pick it up and look at the message on the screen. "Did you miss me, whore? Daddy's coming to get you!"

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😊🌹 love you, my lovely people. Sorry it's a short chapter.

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