Chapter 19: Sweet Bliss

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After coming home last night, I was almost positive I wouldn't make it to the birthday party for Mr. Strong tonight. But once I remembered his perfect blue eyes, I was almost positive I couldn't live a day without seeing them again.

I watch as I'm slowly transformed into a different person once again. My eyes pop beautifully as the mascara lines the lids of my eyes. Eye liner makes my eyes look elongated and beautiful. I admired the beautiful dress that Rose helped me pick out from my closet. "Thank you, Rose." She smiles in response and leaves me to finish up whatever I need to do.

I pace the carpeted floor for a good half hour before I hear a horn honk followed by Rose walking into the room. "It's time to go, Aurora." I smile and grab my clutch with my phone. "Have a good time, Aurora." I hear Rose say before I walk out of the door to my bedroom, closely followed by Rocco and Asher.

I get out into the light of the setting sun and I feel warm inside. I see the familiar black limo with tinted windows. Asher opens the limousine's door for me as I clamber in. "Thank you," I whisper softly. I find the limousine empty and I sigh a breath of relief. "Thank goodness."

The drive continues on until be finally stop at the most beautiful house I've had the honor of seeing. "Oh my," I breathe as Asher once again opens the door for me. I silently get out and walk up to the daunting house. This is it. I spot a short flight of stairs that lead up to the double doors of the house. 'Don't trip.' I scowl. I won't trip. 'Yeah you will.' Just to show myself that I'm capable of walking up stairs without tripping, I demandingly approach the stairs and gingerly climb to the top. See?

I walk to the front doors and before I can reach for the knob, I see Asher grab it and pull the door open for me. I chuckle before thanking him and trudge on.

I get inside and I'm blown away once again at the beautiful decoration and prestige of the home. I hear classical music and violins playing as I enter a large ballroom. My jaw practically drops. It takes all my strength to keep my mouth closed. Everyone is exquisite and unblemished. Their dresses are the most expensive I've ever seen. There's well above sixty people standing in the room. Some are dancing to the classical music in the background, others are conversing over a glass of red wine, while others are eating at the circular tables that are placed intermittently around the room. I look up around desperately for a familiar face.

I'm on the boarder of crying from the amount of strangers in the room, until I see Selena. She catches sight of me and nearly chokes on her wine as she hands it off to a young man beside her, picking up her dress and running over to me. "You came! Oh my gosh, you came!" She wraps her arms around my neck and squeals. I only laugh and smile. "Come on, there's someone I want you to meet." Selena drags me to a small group of younger people, around my age. "Everyone, this is Aurora. Aurora, this is everyone."

I smile politely at everyone in the small group. Then a young man with sandy blonde hair comes to the group. He had a black tux on and black dress pants, like many of the other men in the room. But something about the way he held himself, it reminded me of my father; stubborn, burly, dominate. My breath hitches. As I look up to meet his brown-black eyes, his face doesn't resemble Sebastian's but it does resemble his father's in a strange way.

"Aurora, this is Cole, our cousin." I smile lightly. Cole nods sternly to me. Only when he stands beside Selena do I realize how tall he is. "Cole is a professional basketball player."

I believe you. This size is well above daunting and I suddenly feel unsafe in his presence. "Uh-- Selena... Do... do you want to go get a-- drink?" I swallow hard, praying she'll say yes. "Good idea. I'll be right back, guys." I turn, but before I do, I see Lia analyzing me, examining my reactions. I look down to the ground and walk away with Selena. "Why was Lia looking at me like that?" Selena turns again and looks to Lia. She scoffs playfully. "Those wheels of hers are always turning."

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