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"So you're the so-called bad boy?" I implied.

"Yeah. But less cool." He shrugged. I giggled a little. The pizza then came.

"Can I ask you a dumb question?"

"What is it?"

"So I speak fluent English, but of course there's still a few words I don't know." I paused for a second. "What does slut mean? I got called it earlier."

"Who the fuck called you a slut?" He hissed. His mood completely switched.

"It was the one guy I threatened to stab. I mentioned I was wearing a corset in Biology, he asked what it was, I explained to him, and then he said that I'm just suffocating myself to dress like a slut." I explained. "I ignored it because I didn't know what it meant." He took a deep breath.

"A slut is a girl who has sex with every guy she meets." He finally answered the question.

"Where the hell does he live? He's getting stabbed with a heel and choked out with a bandana." I declared as I stood up.

"I'll take care of it. Don't worry. You don't need to do anything. I'll beat the shit out of him for you." I sat back down and calmed down a bit. "So do you have any pets?" He changed the subject.

"Yeah. I actually do. I have a Ball Python. His name is Serj, after Serj Tankian."

"Holy hell. That's gnarly. I always wanted a pet snake. Or a pet in general." He was amazed. "How big he?"

"He's about 5 feet long. So 3 inches shorter than me." It was funny watching him be mind blown. "If you wanna meet him then I'm sure my mum will let you come in when you drop me off."

"I'd love to." He agreed.

After eating and talking some more we were eventually done. We paid and then left. We got in his car and he drive me home. We of course talked on the way there. We soon pulled up in front of my house.

"Y'know, you're a really really amazing girl."

"Geez. You probably say that to all the girls you meet."

"What in the world would make you think that I meet a lot of girls?"

"Because look at you. You're a sex symbol." He smiled. "Dear lord. I didn't mean to say that out loud."

He looked at me and gently lifted up my chin where our eyes met. His eyes were hypnotizing.

"Don't worry baby girl. You're the only one I ever said that to." He whispered.

Shivers got sent down my spine. He then leaned in for a kiss but I backed away.

"Woah. Chill out." I stopped him. Embarrassment rushed over his face. "You're way too fast going into stuff. It's the first date Adam."

"I-... Most girls like to kiss on the first date."

"And what happened to those girls?" I crossed my arms. "Why aren't you with them?"

"Well because they were either sluts or fake."

"Exactly. The best things you gotta wait for." I said. "I may be in America. But honey, I'll bring the French with me. And if you can't follow with me. Then I'm sorry Adam, but you're just out of luck."

He was shocked. Clearly not used to a girl who stands up for herself. I scanned him up and down.

"But just remember... They don't call it the city of love for nothing."

I then got out and walked inside. Mum and dad always told me to stand up and defend myself. Find a man to love, but don't let him get in my way. Make sure he knows who's in charge.

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