Buried Clues

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Zane called in Amenadiel to come get Michael while they went in to the store.  Blayke had to control Zane to keep him from hurting Michael.  She was probably the only one who could.  

The place smelled like cat pee and mold.  It was dark and contained some old books and containers of herbs.

"Sir?" Blayke said to the shopkeeper.  "That man who was just here, what did he get from you?"

"He purchased a book that I had gotten from buying an abandoned storage unit.  And then he wanted something else that was in there but it took us awhile to find it in my storage in the basement.  He came back daily for two weeks demanding I find it and offering me money."

"Do you know what the book was and the item?" Blayke asked.

"The book was something about the ancient tools of the Gods," he said.   "I only now that because he said it when he found the book because it wasn't written in a language I had ever seen.

"There was something missing from the book and he had me look in my storage.  He wouldn't let me rest until I found it."

"And what was that?" Blayke asked.  

"It was some silver spoon with an onyx looking handle.  All I wanted to do was hold it but he ripped it from my hands and threw money at me.  And then he kept coming back for some missing pages but we could not find those.  He kept saying he had to have them to restore things the way they were."

Blayke and Zane relayed the information to his uncles and the demons before Zane flew Blayke back to his parents' house where they found his grandfather standing in front of a terrified looking Michael.  

"I won't help him, father.  I am damned already but at least your favorite son won't lead the torture around me.  He's dying slowly and there is nothing you can do to stop it."

"You bastard!" Zane heard his mother yell and Decker grabbed her before she charged Michael.  "You jealous bastard.  Your brother is everything you are not and you are not worthy to even be in his presence.  Rot in hell!"

Michael lowered his chin and smiled at Chloe, "It will be too late before you find the information you need.  It is long buried."

"I I know where it is!" screamed Aeron as he appeared in the doorway.  "I didn't know until he said that.  He made me bury it!"

Michael turned with a look of horror when he saw Aeron there.

"You better not say a word or you will suffer, filthy human!"

Zia, her red eyes glowing, took Aeron's hand and he stood a little taller and stared his father in the eyes.  She took away his fear.

"I can take you there right now.   This filthy human is going to do the right thing."

Michael screamed as Amenadiel smiled at him and walked over to Aeron and flew him away.  

"Michael, this is almost over.  You have disappointed me too many times," God said.  

"And you destroyed my world!  You left me with them..your lesser creations and you didn't punish Lucifer.   I am an archangel!," Michael screamed like a toddler wanting a toy.

God smiled at Michael and walked to where Lucifer was.  Chloe followed him.

"Dad?" Lucifer said weakly.  His once tan skin was so pale and he wheezed out his words.

"Yes, son?"

"Promise me that you will take care of them," Lucifer said.  "Please watch over my children and grandchildren.  And my Detective."

"No, Lucifer," Chloe cried rushing over to him.

"I love you, Chloe," he said as his eyes closed and drifted off to sleep again.

God touched his son's arm and smiled.  He saw Charlie come in and nodded to him and he was gone.  

"Charlie?" Chloe asked.  "Why won't he help Lucifer?"

"Aunt Chloe, my dad and Uncle Luci both have always said that he has his own agenda.  I am not sure I can answer that question.  But I know my dad is doing everything he can."

"Charlie, we have the buried items," Amenadiel said as he landed with Aeron.  

"And we have the substance!" Raphael said as he landed with a demon in his arms.  

And at that moment, Lucifer stopped breathing.  

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