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❝ do you have uno? ❞

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❝ do you have uno? ❞

❝ do you have uno? ❞

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     SOUNDS of students chattering and walking down the halls surrounded Nina Shay as she returned one of her textbooks to her locker. The voice of her best friend calling out for her made her internally sigh. She loved Quil, she really did. She probably loved him more than she loved herself. She just wasn't in the mood for his cheerful and teasing personality at the moment.

"Hey bubs," Nina's voice came out softly as she shut her locker and turned to look at the boy on the other side.

"What's wrong?" Quil asked as he wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders.

Nina leaned into her friend's embrace as they began walking down the hallway and towards the cafeteria where their other friends were waiting for them. She leaned her head against Quil's shoulder as they walked, appreciating that he noticed she wasn't in the mood for jokes at the moment.

"My dad's making me go over to the Clearwater's tonight for dinner. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them. I think Seth is cool and all. It's just that Dad and Harry think it will be good for Leah and me to 'bond over our experiences' which means 'hey, you both got dumped for someone else, now get over it.'"

"Yikes," Quil's face scrunched up. "Sounds awful."

Nina rolled her eyes at the boy's remark as they sat down across from their other friends, Embry and Jacob.

"There's our favorite girl," Embry grinned when he saw the pair approach the table.

"Please, like I have any competition," Nina teases. "Do any other girls actually talk to you?"

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