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❝ then i'm all yours ❞

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❝ then i'm all yours ❞

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     EXPLAINING to her friends how she had broken her wrist the day after she had sprained it was not something Nina had enjoyed. She was embarrassed about the fact that she had injured herself walking up the stairs. It was not something she was proud of or wanted a bunch of people to know about.

Quil had taken it the best, shaking his head and laughing at her clumsiness before insisting on being the first person to sign her cast. He practically tackled Jacob when the other boy attempted to grab Nina's permanent marker before he could. Needless to say, Quil made sure he was the first signature on his best friend's cast.

Jacob had once again assumed Paul was at fault for the girl's injury, still blaming the other boy despite the fact Nina had been home alone when it had happened. He claimed that Paul had somehow caused it to happen which made Nina roll her eyes.

Embry was more than ready to tease the girl about being clumsy. However, Nina pulled the marker out of his hands right as he was about to sign her cast. She refused to let him sign it until he stopped laughing at her, which took a couple of minutes. He couldn't help but laugh even more every time he saw her annoyed face.

Eventually, Embry signed the girl's cast, commenting on the fact that she had chosen yellow. The girl's face flushed as she recalled what she had said at the hospital the day before about her reasoning for picking that color. The three boys immediately took notice of their friend's face, Quil questioning what was wrong.

Seth chose that moment to approach the four as he looked at Nina's cast.

"What happened to the brace?" He asked as he looked up to the girl's eyes.

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