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❝ i'm your date now❞

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❝ i'm your date now❞

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     FOR about three days, Jacob had been ditching Nina, Quil, and Embry after school to hang out with Chief Swan's daughter, Bella. The boy had told them about fixing up a pair of bikes together and made a comment about her being his girlfriend but none of the three bought the last detail.

Nina thought that it was good that the Swan girl was finally seemingly moving on from her breakup with the Cullen boy who had left her in the woods after breaking up with her. She just didn't understand the girl's sudden interest in fixing up old motorcycles. To each their own though, Nina thought.

Quil, Embry, and Nina had decided that they needed to pay the pair a visit to tease their friend about hanging out with a girl. Quil and Nina had a day off from cleaning houses and Embry was free so the three decided to set their plan to be loving friends in motion.

The girl was on her way to pick up the two boys from Embry's house, listening to her favorite Nirvana CD as she drove. She drummed her fingers along the steering wheel to the drums before turning it up when it got to her favorite song. She was running late but paid no mind as she listened to the music blare in the small space. The girl parked in front of the Call boy's house, waving to the two boys who sat on the front porch like children waiting for the father to pick them up for his weekend visits.

"Finally! I thought you were standing us up," Quil joked as he closed the passenger side door and Nina turned down the stereo.

When Embry agreed with the Ateara boy from his spot in the back seat, Nina let out a sarcastic laugh and rolled her eyes. She was quick to put the car in reverse and pulled out of the driveway, attempting to get the subject to change. That, however, didn't happen. Instead, the two boys continued to tease her about her terrible punctuality even though it was the first time she had been late for something in a long time.

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