letter five

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july 21st, 1994

Dear Alex,

You wrote to me a letter that made me cry, you wrote me that your parents were kicking you out. They hadn't accepted the fact that their son liked boys, I am really sorry that happened to you.

You wrote that you had found somewhere to live for a moment, that's nice, I wish I could be the one to give you shelter but my parents wouldn't be too accepting of that idea, it might be too crazy for them.

I hope our letters cross their paths again in your new "home" for now, I'll keep you in my prayers that you're safe and that your family takes you back. They have to take you back.

On the next letter I'll send you a little piece of a song I wrote, I wrote it about you but obviously I won't tell you that, I'll say I need your opinion on it, cause if I tell you that it's about you then it can be a little bit embarrassing, also cause if you don't like it then it would be more embarrassing you know.

This letter got too mumbling. But you know you can always count on me you know that, right?



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