letter seventeen

389 20 3

july 10th 1993

Dear Alex,

I can't believe it, your show is almost here. We met up a few days ago and you seemed pretty excited about it, nervous too and I get why, it's a big moment in your life. You told me you were excited that I was coming with, you told me to be there at the front row, that you wanted to see me there. I am pretty sure I blushed when you said that.

Alex Mercer, I have been trying my best to push down my feelings for you, trust me, I have been trying so damn hard to not feel weak every time you smile or when you look me in the eyes, but gosh, feelings really never left. Not even after you told me you had started dating Luke.

I have braved myself to tell you how I felt, I have everything planned out, sort of. I just know that the night at the Orpheum will be the day. I am debating still on telling you before or after your performance, just to make sure things don't get too awkward between us.

I have planned also to give you something in return, a little gift, a bracelet, I learned on how to make some and I made one for you, it's got the pride colors, I made one for myself too so we can match. Jeez, I am getting all soft here and excited, maybe I am going overboard? Maybe it has to do with telling you my feelings for you again... Maybe things will be different for us now.



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