Chapter 8

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Joseph's Pov

I wake up feeling thin, not tied up and in an actual room, as I was wondering why I am so thin someone opens the door.

Person: Ah you are awake

I looked over at him

Me: Who are you?

Person: I am Jamie and ask any questions you want to

Me: Where am I?

Jamie: You are at the gang house in italy

Me: What gang?

Jamie: Zander and Jessica's

Me: Why do I feel thin?

He suddenly has a sad smile on

Jamie: I'm really sorry they found out away to get your baby to grow quicker and they took your babies

Me: Babies?

Jamie: Two beautiful baby boys

Me: When can I get them back and see my husband

Jamie: We are working on it but for now once the bosses come over you will pretend we mistreat you

I nodded

Jamie: Now come on food is ready

We race downstairs and I meet Jamie's brothers and they say they are working on a way to get me back but it will take a while, They also introduce themselves, Jay is the oldest then Jamie and the youngest Peter

Jay: The bosses will be coming round the next few days to make sure you are behaving so this is the plan

We start on the plan where we will pretend they aren't nice to me and he shows me the room we will show Zander and Jessica of where I'm "staying"

Me: Thank you and I know I wouldn't be able to message Lorenzo

Jay: We are really sorry but tell you what once we are able to we will tell him alright

I nodded and went up to bed.

A few months later

It has now been a few months and it is still really good the only time they mistreat me is when there bosses come round, to check on me and make sure I'm behaving. I am cooking right now for their bosses and as I was cooking, I suddenly get pushed into the stove.

Jessica: Stupid bitch 


Jessica: He attempted to push me

Zander: Didn't seem like it Jessica

Wait what I thought he would have taken his side

Jessica: Babe please trust me

Suddenly I collaspe and black out

Zander's Pov

What am I doing? I don't love Jessica why have I done what I been doing, I was in a happy marriage with Tiffany.

Tiffany: Master I have your wine

Me: Baby?

Tiffany: Zander I'm not your babe remember

Me: What is happening

Tiffany: Zander you are scaring me

Me: I don't know what's happening I still love you but I'm having all theses flashbacks and I'm a bad person

Tiffany kneels down at my knee

Tiffany: Babe what happened when you went missing a year ago 

Me: I was walking along when this female walks my and bumps into me when suddenly all I saw was her and wanted to be with her

Tiffany: We will sort this out but for now pretend, you know anyone I can call

Me: Call Lorenzo my cousin let him know everything please

Tiffany: Of course now you are going over to see Joseph is being treated how Jessica want him to be treated so pretend alright

I nodded and soon I leave with Jessica. We were all sitting and eating when Jessica leave the room to go to the toilet.

Me: Guys Jessica did something to me

Before they could speak we heard a scream and we run into see Jessice pushing Joseph into the stove she turns round and try and get us to know he attacked her but we knew the truth.

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