The Glade

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I had a hard time opening my eyes the next day. Eventually, they managed to flutter open. A stream of light expanded across my vision, and I cringed, blinded by its brilliance. I moaned for more sleep, covering the stream of light pouring through the window with the palms of my hands.

As if answering my prayers, someone pinned a blanket over the small window, ridding the light.

"Morning greenie,"

I blinked a few times, letting my eyes adjust to the sudden darkness, and then focused in on Newt, and another boy. He was darker, I had seen him before, I just couldn't recall his name.

"Hi…" I croaked, attempting to sit up. I was lying in a hammock, uncomfortably might I add. It was gauche to try to face them aptly.

The darker boy moved towards me. He grabbed my wrist, wrapping three fingers around it. His pointer and his middle were on my forearm, while his thumb rested on the back. After he checked my pulse, he placed a hand on my head. I jumped at his warmth. His warm skin felt like a burning sensation on mine.

"Sorry…" his modulated voice apologized.

I bit my lip, looking from the boy, to Newt.

Newt crossed his arms over his chest, watching us intently.

When the boy looked at Newt, giving him a nod of conformation, Newt nodded back, only he nodded to the door, as if he was excused to leave.

The boy gave me a small smile, and then looped around the hammock to exit the room.

The room was small. It seemed to be made all of wood. There was just a hammock, a small make-shift bed in the corner, a lantern, a candle, a garbage can, a wooden chair, and a window. After scanning the room, I glanced back to Newt, who was now sitting in the chair beside me.

He pulled it closer to the hammock, creating a terrible squeal.

I winced.

He did too.

After taking a long sigh, he locked eyes with me.

"Alright greenie, the name's Newt, but I guess you already know that." He started.

Crap, I forgot about last night. It was kind of embarrassing to think back to, now, but I know that there were worst subjects that came up that elevator. Janson told me to lie. He told me I couldn't let them know what I knew.

"How would I know that?" My brows drew together.

"Last night you said my name, right after you came up the elevator." He explained.

I put my best acting face on, and started my improve. I rubbed my head, making a "ah" sound. "I don't really remember last night… What happened?"

He pursed his lips, probably contemplating whether or not I was telling the truth. "Well, first of all, you came up in The Box, in the middle of the night, which is unheard of. You didn't come in glader gear, no supplies came up besides a few crates and a grief serum, and you had a gash on your head, like you've been fighting someone."

Ha, I would hardly call that a fight.

I shook my head, "Nothing sounds familiar."

Newt laughed, " 'Course it doesn't."

I frowned, "What's that supposed to mean."

"Nuthin'." He shook his head, his blonde hair bouncing with volume.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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