~Chapter 9- The Battle~

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"If you say so" Jayda said while pinching April

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"If you say so" Jayda said while pinching April.

"Ouch I was kidding, I didn't think you would actually do it said April."

Whatever but April this place it so beautiful don't you think" said Jayda.

"Yeah it really is this gives me some art inspiration."Said April.

"You and your art project anyways I hope they have a basketball court or something." Jayda said.

"Jayda" April said.

"What is it April?"Jayda asked confused.

"D-d-do you see that?" April asked while pointing at a odd looking creature.

"ahhh what is that thing" Jayda said.

"How rude I'm not a thing I'm a fairy in fact the queen of fairy's" said the fairy.

"I'm sorry for our rudeness your highness" April said while bowing.

"Ugh what ever things is so weird" Jayda said annoyed.

"You can get up April" said the fairy.

"How do you know my name" said April.

"I know your names because I sent you guys here." Said the queen.

"Sent us here?" Jayda said. Yes Jayda.
The queen said.

"Question what is your name?" asked April.

"My name is Myrtle Salomon but you can call me Mina" She said.

"Can we get back to why you brought us here." Said Jayda.

"Oh yes I sent you guys here because Magic-land is in trouble and you guys are the only one who can save it." Said Mina .

"How are we going to save it we are just humans" said April.

"That not what the necklace thinks." Mina said.

"The necklace what dose that have to do with saving this land" Jayda said.

"It gives you magical powers but you have to train and that where I come in" said Mina.

They didn't believe her but soon they trained and where the most powerful humans in magic-landa, it took a couple months but soon they where ready for the battle.

The Day Of The Battle

For the last time Jayda and April went to  magic-landa.

when they teleported there they found armor on the grass that matched their necklaces.

When they put their armor, Their eyes changed color Jayda's eyes turned teal and April's eyes turned Violet.

 When they put their armor, Their eyes changed color Jayda's eyes turned teal and April's eyes turned Violet

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Now they are ready for the battle all the fairy's approach them to show them the way

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Now they are ready for the battle all the fairy's approach them to show them the way.

They reached the battle point to see all of the dark fairies ready for the battle.

April was really nervous but the only one who could tell was Jayda.

Jayda took April's  hand and said I'm here it's gonna be fine we're in this together.

"And then what happened?"Violet said.

"If you would let me finish you would know shut up and let me finish" Iris said.

Okay jeez Violet said.

Back to what I was saying the battle has.
Started the fairies did all that they could but some of them had to go and protect the little ones.

Some fairies had fallen but dark fairies had also fallen.

then the only people who where left was two dark fairies and Jayda and April.

That's when April defeated the second to last dark fairy but the one Jayda was fighting was way stronger.

April came to help Jayda then the dark fairy zapped April and April fell.

APRIL!!! Jayda said.

Jayda went in front of April and said I won't let you touch her.

The dark fairy laughed and said oh yeah wanna bet that.

The fight was the longest but then the dark fairy zapped Jayda and got to April too.

But Jayda stayed alive long enough to save April from that zap.

April then used her powers to hit the dark fairy but the dark fairy dodged it.

zapped her then broke the necklaces and  the the dark fairy disappeared.

That was the end of Jayda and April.

" That's so sad."Violet said

"yeah I can't believe that happened."Hazel said

"yeah but umm that's why we train you guys harder now so that doesn't happen to anyone else again." Iris said

Wait then how do we have our necklaces wasn't the necklaces Jayda's and April's  in the first place Hazel said.

The fairies managed to repair them but it took a really long time since their was two of them.

  M&J: sorry we took so long to write stay tuned for what happened next you creatures 🧍🏾‍♀️

Word Count: 756

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