~Chapter 8-The Truth~

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"Oh about that, your mom's are dead

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"Oh about that, your mom's are dead."Iris said.

Hazel started crying and Violet was in shock then, Violet said "What but how what happened?!"

Iris started laughing.

What so funny about our mom's being dead?

"I was kidding."Iris said out of breath.

Iris that's not funny ugh. Said hazel.

"I know I'm sorry" Iris said.

Iris "I have a question." Said Violet.

"Yes Violet what is it?" Iris said.

"What are we doing here?" Violet said.

"Well I was told by your mom's to train you guys." Said Iris.

Train?? Hazel said.

"Did I s-st-stutter"said Iris.

"No ma'am" Violet and hazel said at the same time.

After hours of training hazel asked what's the story behind the necklace's.

Iris cleared her throat and started to say "A long time ago their was two best friends their names were April and Jayla.

They've been best friends since they was little but one of them moved away.

They was both so sad and then one cloudy night all there emotions that were built up just started to flow out.

One tear from each of their eyes dropped on the necklace at the same time.

There was this incredible source once the tear dropped on the necklaces.

The necklaces started glowing all different colors.

Hazel interrupted Iris and said wow tears at the same time "best friend goals" Violet said.

"Hold on I'm not done" Iris said.

Once the necklaces started changing colors they both felt this tingly sensation.

They both ended up in Magic-landa Jayda saw April and said April???

They both ran to each other they hugged so tight.

April said is this a dream pinch me I'm freaking out.

M&J:writer block might take a while to write a new chapter 🪳<~~ meet our pet cockroach Lexi

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