Chapter 14-Is she okay?

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Hazel and Violet made it back to Magic-land-a but when Violet look at Hazel she was breathing really fast and was really hot

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Hazel and Violet made it back to Magic-land-a but when Violet look at Hazel she was breathing really fast and was really hot.

"HAZEL!!!" Violet said while shaking Hazel

Violet saw that all the unicorns and pixies where hovering over Hazel.

"Hey what are you guys doing to Hazel?"Violet asked

"Don't worry about it Violet we will bring her back" A pixie said

Before Violet knew it Hazel,The pixies and unicorns where gone.

"Omg where did they go?!" Violet said worried

"Violet its okay calm down" Iris said

"Iris!" Violet yelled running to Iris to hug her

Iris hugged back and said "it's okay Violet you tried your best the pixies and unicorns will find a way to bring Hazel back"

Violet was trying so hard not to cry but she couldn't help it anymore she was balling her eyes out.

Iris felt so bad because all she could do was keep telling Violet it will be okay.

"Hazel what's wrong with you why are your eyes red" Violet said

"Don't worry about it Violet you useless rat" Hazel said with attitude

"This is not like you Hazel what happened to you what did those pixies do to you" Violet said

Hazel didn't answer her and zapped her with thunder.

"AHHHHHH" Violet said waking up.

"Oh my gosh it was a dream" Violet said

"Violet you okay?" Iris asked

"Yeah I'm good but is Hazel okay now?" Violet asked

"Oh yeah she is sleeping the pixies tried their hardest to bring her back but she has not fully recovered yet" Iris said

Violet asked all the pixies where Hazel was once she found out where Hazel was she ran to her has fast as she could.

"HAZELL" Violet yelled

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