Chapter 8 Forgiveness or Relief from the Pain

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'Will you be our son's godmother?' asks Ekta to Mahi. Ekta looks at Mahi who looks back at her with a surprised look.

'Please don't say no. I am not asking you this because you are married to Dev. Or this jerk is the Godfather to my son,' says Ekta pointing towards Dev. She continues,' You know it better. I never had a girlfriend. You are the first girlfriend I want to keep for life. And after today, I wouldn't trust our son's life with anyone but you. Of course, other than him,' glancing at Dev on the last sentence. 

Mahi becomes overwhelmed at Ekta's insistence and looks at the baby to say,' You mom just used you by placing you in my hands.'

'Was I successful?' asks Ekta softly.

Mahi looks at her and narrows her eyes and nods as she smiles at her. 

Ekta breaks into a loud cheer. Everyone laughs at her reaction. 

Mahi and Dev stand outside the hospital entrance after they were thrown out by their friends. So that the new parents can have some privacy. Both stood there quietly as they waited for Shankar to get Dev his car. 

The car arrives as Shankar gets down to give the keys to Dev. Dev asks Mahi for Ekta's car keys. She fishes them from her jeans pocket and hands him the keys. Dev passes the same to Shankar telling him to take Ekta's car to pick Rohit's mother from the airport and later in the evening Ekta's mother too. He instructs him to stay near the hospital as whenever Rohit needs him for anything else. 

After giving Shankar all the necessary instructions, he moves to the driver's side door. He sees Mahi not moving towards the passenger side door. 

'Mahi! Aren't you gonna sit?' asks Dev softly.

'No. I am gonna take the cab,' replies Mahi keeping a straight face.

'Don't be silly. I am not going to eat you,' says Dev frowning at her response of taking the cab. 

Mahi glares back at his snapping.

'Sorry,' says Dev seeing her pissed off. 

'Are you going home?' asks Mahi after looking around in an attempt to look for a valid excuse. So that she doesn't have to sit next to Dev. 


'I am not. I have to be back at the office,' Mahi says hoping that she can find an excuse. To end the discussion.

'It's Sunday,' says Dev immediately realising Mahi is just looking for any excuse not to be alone with him. 

Mahi closes her eyes in failure. Seeing her struggle so much to avoid him, Dev loses all hope and says,' Please. I'll drop you, office or home. I promise I won't say anything to you. Not a word.' He continues after a small pause,' I won't even breathe if you want.'

Mahi looks at him on his last sentence. What shook her from the inside was that reading from his eyes, he meant it. Without further torturing him, she opens the passenger side door and sits in. Dev lets out a deep sigh after Mahi sits in the car. He closes his eyes in exhaustion and puts his hand on them as he moves it through his hair before he opens the door and sits in. 

As promised, Dev didn't say a word on their whole way. Mahi could not shake herself off from his last sentence. It struck her hard. She couldn't put the finger on what bothered her more. Dev's strained face from her tantrums or his willingness to comply with anything for her comfort. As far as not breathing. Mahi unconsciously sank in her seat as she looks out of the car, but flashing only Dev's face with his most sincere eyes. They were unfeigned enough to render Mahi questioned her anger towards him. Is it worth his life? She thinks to herself sending a chill down her spine. She suddenly becomes concerned for Dev. She feels an urge to look at him. To steal a glance at him, she looks at the clock on the dashboard. He glances at her as she turns her head back towards the window. 

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