Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Palour

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Natalia woke up to the first rays of light coming through her window. Today was the last day of vacation and tomorrow she would go back to school, into her sixth year at Hogwarts. Natalia quickly got out of bed which got her lightheaded. She walked down the stairs and greeted her mom and dad. Dad was reading his paper like every morning and mom was making breakfast. Natalia kissed her on her cheek and took a seat next to her dad.

"Morning dad!" Natalia's dad looked up closed his eyes and gave her a big smile. He is a man of less words when he has the Daily Phropet in his possession.

After breakfast, Natalia got ready to go to Diagon Alley.

She put mascara on and gave herself a red blush on her cheeks. She finished the look with a lipgloss and gave herself an approving look in the mirror. Natalia doesn't sit infront of the mirror often. She just likes to get ready for the day but her appearance doesnt really matter to her. She opened her closet and decided to wear baggy jeans and a grey lace crop top.

Natalia went down the stairs. "Mom, Dad! I'm going to Diagon Alley," she shouted while putting her shoes on. "You know it. Home at six, we don'twant you late for dinner.'' Natalia rolled her eyes. "I know, see you at six," and she grabbed some Floo powder and walked towards the fireplace. "Dia-gon Alley," Natalia cried as she dropped the Floo powder and emerald green flames burst up. A second later when she opened her eyes she was at Diagon Alley.

She was heading to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour when she already saw her friends waiting for her. "Nat you bitch," cried Pansy as she hugged Natalia. "Where have you been? Natalia hugged her back. God, she had missed her best friend so much. "We've been waiting here for an hour" said Draco with a cocky voice. "Nice to see you too, Draco," Natalia said with a smirk on her face. She freed herself from Pansy's hug and walked over to Blaise and Theo who were deciding which ice cream flavors they were going to pick. Natalia jumped on them from behind and greeted them.

"Long time no seen," she said and gave Theo a hug. He had changed. He had long hair now and got more muscled.
He had become really attractive over the years, she thought. Seconds later she felt a wave of guilt come over her.
She has a boyfriend, how could she think about Theodore in any other way than friends?

Blaise who was getting impatient pushed Theodore away and gave Natalia a long look. "I haven't heard much from you this vacation. I'm surprised you're still alive," he said jokingly. "I bet you've got enough fan mail from that Ravenclaw girl," Natalia said as he hugged Blaise. "Raven-claw-girl, huh?" He repeated her sarcastically and looked as if he didn't know a thing.

When they all got their ice cream they took a seat and chatted about their vacation.
"He's been staring at you this whole time" whispered Pansy nodding to Theodore. Natalia gave her a weird look. "Theo? Doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Asked Natalia confusing. Pansy shook her head. "They broke up last week," she said.
Natalia stared inquisitive at Theo, she never saw him that way. She noticed his wavy dark brown hair and his mysterious green eyes. He licked his ice cream and Natalia found herself turned on by the thought of his-, Theo glanced up and their eyes met. Natalia quickly lowered her eyes when he noticed how her cheeks turned red. Her heart pounded in her chest as she wondered what was wrong with her.

When they all finished their ice cream they went to Flourish and Blotts to get their list of school books.
The store was very busy and the group squirmed through the crowd to the textbook section. Draco pushing some first years out of his way. Natalia bent down to get The Standard Book of Spells by Miranda Goshawk on the lowest shelf. She got up and inspected the cover of the book. When she turned around, Theo was right behind her giving her an up and down look. Due to the hustle and bustle in the store, they stood densely together. Natalia could see his eyes very clear. He had eyes that were softly woven with a chorus, of green threads. She glanced at his tall, well-built body. God, what is wrong with me? She asked herself.

"Checking me out Vandenberg?" Theodore grinned. Natalia felt her face turn red and wriggled past him. "I'm going to pay for this book" and she strode to the counter.

Natalia joined the queue and saw that Theodore followed her. He stood behind her and she could feel the warmth of his body against her. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "what do you say about leaving this place? Just the two of us." Natalia's eyes went wide and she tried to find her words. "Theo I have a boyfriend." She answeredhim shocked. Natalia felt her cheeks glowing. "Well I don't see him here," he said with a smirk on his face. She rolled her eyes at him as she settled her book.

Natalia hasn't spoken to Adrien all vacation because they got in a huge fight on the last day of school. She couldn't get him out of her head all summer. She had tried to send him a few letters by owl but got no reply from him. She hoped he wasn't still mad at her since he could be pretty stubborn sometimes.

When everyone got their books they walked outside pushing through the crowd. "I'm glad this is the last time I have to go into that dirty old shop" whined Draco. "Such a drama queen," said Pansy rolling her eyes at him.

They all walked their way down the Alley to the Leaky Cauldron. A group of first years walked by staring at them. "What are you looking at?" Draco spitted. "Watch this," Blaise mumbled to Draco and turned around to throw a dungbomb at them. Causing a nasty smell and the first years started to gag as Draco and Blaise laughed at them.
"Guys, please spare those first years from further trauma," Natalia said even though she also thought is was a little amusing.

They stepped into the Leaky Cauldron and they took a seat. They all ordered a butterbeer while Blaise took the exploding snap cards out of his bag. During the game, Natalia caught Theodore staring but pretended she didn't notice. She felt guilty for thinking about him in another way more than friends. And it had to stop.

"I quit! I'm done with this fucking game" Pansy cried. Natalia giggled. "You just can't stand your loss Pansy," Theodore teased. "Whatever," said Pansy annoyingly crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat.

Natalia glanced at the clock. "We should probably go" she suggested. The others agreed. Draco asked for the bill as the others collected the exploding snap cards. They went outside and arranged to meet at the platform tomorrow and said goodbye. Theodore walked towards Natalia as the others went separate ways. "Let me bring you home, no magic." He smiled. Natalia looked at him and hesitated for a moment. "Fine but no monkey business," as she gave him a serious face and pointed at him.

As they took the metro to Natalia's house they didn't say much. "Look Nat, I'm sorry about earlier, the way I behaved I-." His gaze went to the floor. "I know you have a boyfriend and I shouldn't have asked." Theodore said.
"It's okay. Since you and Daphne I understand that- I'm sorry."
"No, It's fine. I'm the one who broke up anyways," he said. 'She became annoying so I ended it" as he looked at the ground. Natalia furrowed her eyebrows. "She started doing things without my consent and-"
"I get it, you don't have to explain." Natalia interrupted him.

When they arrived at Natalia's home Theodore grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes. Natalia didn't know how to react and gave him a confused look. Was he about to kiss me? She thought.

"Look, Nat. You are one of my best friends and I don't want to ruin our friendship."
Natalia lowered her eyes. Of course, he wasn't going to kiss her, she thought. She felt embarrassed for thinking that. Natalia looked up and smiled.
"Theodore... don't worry, It's alright."
Theodore let go of her hand and smiled. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then," he said as he waved her goodbye.

"See you tomorrow," and Natalia walked towards her front door. She turned around but saw that Theodore was already gone.

Authors note:
I hope it wasn't all bad since English is not my native language lol

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