The Slytherin party

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Not much later the rest of the Slytherin students walked into the common room. Natalia decided to go meet the new students. When she entered the common room she saw Adrien talking to Daphne Greengrass. She didn't like that very much but decided to not make a fuss about it. Natalia went to the first years and introduced herself. She took the new girls with her and showed them the girl dorms and the public bathroom the girls shared. She let the girls into their dorm and explained some house rules to them, while the girls were unpacking their stuff. The girls nodded understanding. "Well, I'm going to leave you guys here. The party starts at eight. See you guys there!" Natalia smiled and closed their door. She walked into her dorm and took a seat at her desk. She decided to start on her make-up for the party. Pansy walked in with a big smile on her face. She spun around and let herself fall on her bed. "Tonight it's going to happen. I just feel it!" Natalia turned around. She smirked and raised her eyebrow. "Oh shut up. Have you seen Draco looking at me?" Natalia shook her head with a smile on her face. "Pansy, just ask him." Pansy looked at her with wide eyes. "Well, that's not gonna happen. What if he rejects me. That would be so embarrassing," Pansy said. Natalia turned around and searched for her lipstick. "I know he wouldn't. I saw him looking at you. He just doesn't have the balls to ask you." Pansy stood up and walked towards Natalia. "Okay, tonight I'm going to ask him," she said. Natalia turned around and now faced Pansy. She hugged her. "I'm sure he is going to say yes."

The girls heard music coming from downstairs. "The party already started, let's go!" And Pansy dragged Natalia with her down to the common room. "Okay, I'm going to find Draco," Pansy cried over the loud music. Natalia nodded. Pansy left and Natalia wandered her eyes over the crowd of people. She saw Hermione and Ron, and walked towards them. "Hey, Natalia," Hermione yelled exited. Natalia smiled and hugged her. "I'm so happy to see you guys! But where is Harry?" Ron rolled his eyes and nodded to his left. Natalia followed his gaze and saw Harry with Ginny in the corner of the room. "Honestly, they have been snogging this whole time. I think I'm gonna throw up," as he fake gagged. "Oh get over it, Ron. Be happy it's Harry and not someone else," Hermione gave him a teasing look. Natalia laughed and was happy to see they didn't change one bit. "I'm going to get some drinks, do you guys want something too?" Natalia pointed to the table with the drinks on it. "No, we are fine," as Hermione holds her drink up. Natalina smiled and turned around. She got some Firewhiskey to loosen herself up. She saw Adrian sitting on the couch and decided to go talk to him. She chugged her Firewhiskey and strolled towards Adrian. She took a seat next to him. He didn't say anything. "Look, Adrian... I don't like us fighting over nothing," Natalia gave him a stern look. He faced her and gave her a quick up and down look. "I'm sorry, Natalia. I just got so mad when I saw you with Fred. I felt so jealous and I couldn't stop myself." He looked down. Natalia grabbed his hand and stood up. "Come, let's go to a quieter place. So we can talk." Adrian got up and took her to his dorm. They sat on his bed and said nothing for a while. Suddenly Adrian cupped Natalia's face in his hands. He stared into her eyes and leaned in to kiss her. Their lips met and Natalia kissed him back. "Adrian, you are drunk," as Natalia tried to push him off. He was now kissing her collar bone. Natalia didn't know what to do. She didn't want him to get mad or get in a fight again. "Adrian, please." He unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down. Natalia started to panic but couldn't move. She froze when Adrian pulled her lace underwear aside. He unbuckled his own jeans and pulled his boxer down. He got on top of her and pinned her down when he started thrusting into her. Natalia couldn't progress with what was happening. "No... Adrian, please stop," she mumbled. But he didn't. She tried to focus her attention on the ceiling while she cried. He moaned in her ear as he went faster. She now realized what was happening and pushed him with all the strength she had left off of her. She pulled her pants up and left the room. Tears rolling down her face. She was mad at herself because she almost orgasmed. It disgusted her, only thinking about it now. She walked into Theodore and a Hufflepuff girl making out in the corridor. Theodore looked up and pulled back from his kiss. Natalia stumbled past them and ran to the bathroom and immediately hunched over the toilet in agony. Her insides burned like they'd been sandpapered. After a few minutes, there was a faint knock on the other side of the door. "Natalia?" She didn't notice Theodore had followed her. She opened the door and saw Theodore standing in front of her. He had a worried look on his face. Immediately she turned around and kneeled down in front of the toilet. Natalia threw up, tears still streaming down her face. Some girls walked in and Theodore gestured them to leave. The girls immediately left. He found Natalia sitting in front of the toilet now. She was throwing up. He strode towards her and pulled her hair back. Natalia felt empty and wiped her mouth on her sleeve, left with a nasty taste in her mouth. She looked up at Theodore and burst into tears again. He pulled her close to his body to comfort her. Natalia rested her head on his chest. He wondered what could have happened that made her so sad.

He got up and pulled Natalia with him. "Let's get you cleaned up," and he took her to her dorm. Adrian was waiting for her in the corridor in front of her door. He was leaning against the wall with a grin on his face. "What are you doing, Nott? Trying to steal my girlfriend from me." Theodore ignored him. "I'll take care of her now," Adrian said. "Fuck off, Adrian," said Theodore. Adrian glimpsed at Natalia. "Just let me talk to her." Theodore opened the door and looked angrily at Adrian. "No!," he said through gritted teeth and slammed the door in his face.

He placed Natalia on her bed and got her a glass of water. He watched her while she got into a fetus position. God, what did he do to her?  How dare he, waiting for her at her door as nothing had happened. He thought. "Here, drink this. It's water," as he gave her the glass.
Natalia took a sip of her water. "Look, Natalia... I don't know what happened back there but you know you can always talk to me. Right?" Natalia put her glass down as she cleared her throat. Theodore had his arm around her trying to comfort her. "I-I don't want to talk about it," tears rolling down her face. "It's okay, you're safe now. I'm here." Natalia gave him a hug. "Thank you," she whispered. "But you can go now, I want to be alone." Theodore nodded and got up. He walked towards the door and turned around. Natalia smiled at him, letting him know it was okay. He walked out of the dorm and closed the door behind him. He looked around to make sure that Adrian wasn't around. He didn't want him to sneak up on Natalia. He went back to the party as he kept an eye on the corridor to the girl's section. 

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