Chapter 2

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Remus woke up. His body ached. No wonder, looking at his sleeping position. Why did he sleep like that? Oh. Right. Putting a hand on his pillow and feeling that it was still slightly damp, he sighed. There was no time for crying, he told himself. It'll only make things worse.

He took his time, doing his stretching, stretching his sore limbs and back and neck.

He took his time getting ready, taking pain reliever, showering, washing his face.

He took his time, sitting on the bed and waiting for breakfast.

Remus made himself as comfortable as he could, hospital bed and everything, and went to grab his phone, only to be reminded of yesterday and he hestitated. The door swung open, to reveal a nurse with the breakfast tray. "Good morning Rem! How are you feelin' today?" The nurse, Lily, smiled friendly, doing his routine morning check-up. "Hey Lily. Oh I uh.. I'm okay, my body is a bit sore but isn't it always?" She chuckled.

Remus and Lily met when Remus got into the hospital after waking up one morning and not being able to lift his arms and legs. They soon became friends, because of their shared interests in books and literature and art and music. Lily was a beautiful girl, flaming red hair, emerald eyes, pale but soft, smooth skin. Remus on the other hand.

Lanky, scrawny, too tall and too skinny, his skin was pale and dry, his hair boring, freckles everywhere and not to metion the scars on his face and arms. "Oi Remus, who is the person that texted you the whole night?" The question brought Remus back to the conversation and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Huh?" "Well, I checked on you in the night and your phone kept buzzing. Oh! Is it a lady?" She smirked suggestively. "Lily. A lady. First of all, where would I meet her, and second of all, no one in their right mind would be interested in me."

Lily looked at him disapprovingly. To be honest, with her hands on her hips and her head shaking like that she reminded him of a mother, reprimanding her child. "Remus did you look at yourself? You are fucking handsome. You are tall, you have big hands, freckles, beautiful eyes, long lashes, your lip ring and scars are making you HOT!" Remus smiled, despite himself. "Thanks Lils."

Sensing that Remus didn't want to elaborate or go further into the subject, she shook her head and made her way out stopping at the door only to tell him "Someday you'll find someone, and they will make you see the beauty in you." When she closed the door behind her, Remus started his breakfast, but his mind started wandering towards his phone. When he couldn't resist his curiosity anymore, he grabbed his phone and opened it, only to be greeted by... bloody hell!

(You have 38 new messages!)

Incredulously he read the messages from yesterday. He... he didn't care about his condition? This stranger...


Goodmorning Moony x

I hope ur alright

just so you know i put salt in the sugat thingy so prongs put salt in his tea this morning

revenge fir yesterdsay

and im sorry i didnt answer

but i really really

coulnt care less about your condition.

just... i hope you answer

fuck youre prolly sleepin rn

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