Chapter 7

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A/N: I won't put any pictures of 'Remus' and 'Sirius' here, because I think everyone has their own picture of them in their mind and just... just imagine them the way you want them to be


Sirius swears to god he had stopped breathing. Literally. Then he  remembered that oxygen was a thing and started taking big gulps of air,  not taking his eyes off the picture Remus had sent him. But holy fuck  this boy was a masterpiece. He stared way to long at the honey gold  locks on the boy's forehead, the bushy eyebrows, the a bit too big nose,  the scar running over it, the freckles littering nose and cheeks. The  hazel eyes. Fuck. The lip ring. So fucking Sirius' type.

Then he remembered that Remus was hella insecure and was probably wondering why it took him so long  to respond.

20th October


   I think this is the only one I have that looks kinda acceptable.

   (Image attachment)



   AC cePTabLE??"!?!(I""OM

   I am

   sh oo k e t h


   thats u innit

   Uhm. Yes. ,...?

   Fucckkckc remususususususjnkajn,ldfgksukcjs,hyfn




   oh fucking bloody hell

   i am

   remus you r literally

   u r fucking stunning

   so hansdome


   and c u t e h


   i thhin



   I what?




   B R E A T h E

   Oh wow uhm


   Thank you?

   SHit Remus youre


   (Incoming call: Little Star)

Remus swears his heart stopped when his phone let out his ringing  tone. His fingers were shaking as he pressed the 'accept' button.

   "Uh, Si-"

   "Holy mother of Jesus and Mary and Joseph and god and everyone R e m u s!!"


   "How the fuck could you lie to me like that?"

   "I what?"

   "You said it was acceptable but this- this is- I can't even-"

   "Oh uhm I. Thank you?"

   "Remus you don't even see it, do you?"

   "Well... not exactly I suppose..."

   "Holy fuck Remus."

   "Okay, uhm. Would- Would you mind. You know. Returning the, uh, the sentiment?"

   "Oh! Oh yes! Of course! Fuck I forgot, wait a sec, lemme pick something good."


   (nervous chuckle)

   "Ok, I've sent it now."

   "'kay, lemme check real qui..."

Remus trailed off as he clicked on the picture Sirius sent him. But fuck it all.

   "Tha- That's you."


   "Wow I. Sirius. Uhm. Pads you're. That's. Wait a sec, lemme, lemme. Process."

   "Take your time, darling. Don't forget to breathe."

Remus' breath hitched and he looked at the picture again. He  couldn't even fucking believe his fucking eyes. Because Sirius was  literally perfect. Gorgeous.

He had black shoulder-long hair,  curly towards the end. He had sculpted eyebrows and a long nose. His  skin was pale, a little vampire-esque but absolutely glowing. Piercing  blueish, grayish eyes were looking at him almost alluring and the black  eyeshadow was doing things to Remus. His mouth was a beautiful shade of  pink and it was formed into a cocky grin. Bastard knew fully well how he  looked like.

So Remus decided to mess with him a bit.

"Huh. You look... all right," he said, barely even managing to suppress the grin in his voice. But it turned out to be totally worth it.

   "Wha- Ho- R- I- Wh- Uh- Remus?! What do you mean, ALL RIGHT? I  look like a fucking GOD like I just climbed down the OLYMP, how- What  do you even- I'm fucking-"

By then Remus couldn't hold it in anymore. Laughter burst out and  he shook with the force of it, taking big gulps of air as not to choke  and start coughing.

"Oh god! Oh wow Sirius, you- I-" He broke off, cackling and hearing Sirius' silence on the other line of the phone. Wait. Silence?

"No! Sirius oh my god, I'm just messing with you! Fuck, Pads you know fully well how you look like." Sirius took a deep breath and managed a shaky laugh.

   "Uh, Remus, don't worry. I just. I. I really like your laugh."



Remus sounded breathy when he answered,

   "And I really like you."

And this did things to Sirius, he couldn't even describe.

   "...I- I really like you, too, Remus. Really."




   "Is this weird?"

There was a brief pause, where Sirius held his breath.

   "Yeah. But I like it."

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