Thistle Café {2} (Helliam)

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Time: 1:00

Location: Thistle Café

Perspective: William's

I stared at the walls, cursing myself. Oh for fuck sakes, William! I thought, face palming. I have to calm down and fucking collect my mind. I thought, sighing internally.

Perspective: Henry's

I stared at the door to the backroom, smiling. How is he so hot and cute at the same time? I looked back to the entrance, thinking.

Time: 1:26

Perspective: William's

I came out of the backroom and noticed Henry was staring into space. I walked over. 'You okay?' I asked. He turned to me and nodded. 'Good to - see? Hear - ?' I said.

Perspective: Henry's

I tried to hold in a laugh, looking at William's expression. He gave me a mock offended look. 'You nodded, not said. So it would technically . . .' He rambled on and on. I smiled, listening. After a while, he stopped and stared at me. 'You okay? You're a "little" red.' He asked - or teased, I couldn't tell - , raising an eyebrow.

'I could ask you the same question.' I said back. He looked away, blushing madly. I looked at my watch - it was 2:15. He had chatted away about that for one whole hour and twenty-nine minutes. I looked at the entrance, shifting slightly. He mumbled something under his breath, then turned to face me.

'Well played.' He said, fixing his hair. (It's in a ponytail - remember.) 

'Why thank you.' I chuckled slightly.

'Hey - that was sarcasm!' He exclaimed - giving me another mock offended look. 'You don't know what that is?' He teased.

'I do know!' I glared at him.

'Then what is it~?' He poked me with a finger.

'Meaning 1 - a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain. Meaning 2 - mode of satirical depending for its effect on bitter, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual. Meaning 3 - the use or language of sarcasm.' I said. He stared at me.

'Do you have a dictionary inside your head?!' He yelped. No but yes. I grinned. 'You're like - possessed by one - !' 

'More like memorized some meanings.' I laughed at his confusion. 'Numbskull.'

'Hey - ! Wait - what does that even mean . . . ?' He began to mutter, then stopped as I gave a small laugh. 'What!' He stared at me indignantly.

'You really are dumb. Numb skull.' I broke the word into the two words making it up. He stared at me.

'Oh. OH. You little - !' He exclaimed. I slapped my hand across his mouth.

'Quiet. It was peaceful until you spoke.' He moved my hand.

'It was your fault for calling me that. So shut up.' He muttered.

'Why~?' I purred, looking at him. He turned slightly red.

'J-just - just shut up . . .' He looked away. I laughed.

'You get flustered so easily.' He glared at me.

'Do not.'


'Prove it.'

'Very well, Will.' I grinned. He turned red just at that.

'H-huh!' He looked away. 'Fine, you win. Arsehole.' He muttered.

'Hm, if I'm an asshole, then you're a dick.' (Yes. Except it's the other way around - lol) He looked back at me.

'~Then I'm a top~' He grinned.

'William, please~' I laughed, walking in closer to him.

'Can you - like - ' He stepped backwards and winced. He was against the counter now. 'Ow.'

'Poor fingers.' I laughed, moving back.

'You're the one who literally drove me to the fucking counter.' He retorted.

'Well, you're the one who decided to move backwards - you could have just stood there, darling~' I purred.

'Can you - arsehole.' He mumbled, looking away.

'You need a better insult, darling, that one's getting old~'

'And you need a better nickname, git.' He shot.

'No need to be so bratty - Will.' I chuckled.

'I am not bratty!' He exclaimed, crossing his arms against his chest.

'Are you sure about that, Will~?'


'Honey,' I leaned in closer to him. 'You need to stop being in denial.'

'I-I'm not in denial, you stupid git!'

'Keep telling yourself that.' I leant against the counter and looked at him, trying not to laugh. He rolled his eyes, mumbling something under his breath. 'Can you repeat that please~?' He edged closer and looked at me.

'I said nothing.' He lied.

'Will, I heard you say something~' I grabbed him and drew him closer so we were closer together.

'I-idiot . . .' He mumbled. He moved backwards.

'Idiot~?' I laughed.

Perspective: William's

I met his gaze, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. 'Can you - stop please - ?' He let go and I moved back.

'Very well, Will.' He said, chuckling.

'Thank you . . .' I shifted, glancing to the doors.

(812 Words)

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