15. Bani disclosed the truth

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Hey guys, I'm back with a new update today ❤️ Be aware, there's a little bit mature content in this story 😜

Next morning, Bani woke up next to Veer and she was glowing as he effaced all their bitter memories last night. She felt elated, finding herself in his embrace as she was longing for it since months. She kissed him on his forehead and went to the washroom to freshen up. She wanted to take shower but she had no additional clothes to wear so she just washed her face, did her morning chores and decided to meet her Meera Di. Bani came out from their bedroom and saw Meera and Mithra were having their coffee together while Tapish was on a call standing near the main door. She walked towards Meera and Mithra with a grin.

Bani : Good morning, Meera Di and Mithra. (She chirped happily)
Meera : Good morning, Bani.
Mithra : Good morning, sweetie. Do you want to have coffee?
Bani : Hmmm not now. Actually Meera Di, do you have any extra clothes for me to wear? I'm wearing the same saree since last night and really feeling uncomfortable with this. (She asked, making faces looking at her saree)
Before Meera could answer, Mithra interrupted.
Mithra : Sweetie, I had brought your clothes last night. I'm sorry I forgot to pass it to you. It's in the car. I will go and get it.
Bani : Mithra, seriously? You have done a lot for me. Oh haan actually I forgot. I wanted to thank you for the surprise yesterday. You really had a lot of patience with me last night when I was continuously pestering you about the party. You just handled everything way more better than anyone else could do. Thank you for helping me and Veer to get back together after having gone through many misunderstandings. (She hugged Mithra)
Mithra : It's my pleasure, sweetie. As I told you, I'm the most happiest person in the world to know that whom did my best friend get married with. I just want you to be happy with your family always because I have seen you living like a emotionless robot since the last 3 months. I have missed the old Bani Sharma who used to tease everyone at the college including me. I really wanted to bring back that high-spirited girl who used to cheer up everyone no matter how sad she is and that's why I wanted her to be back with her dearest husband so that she could be back to her old self. (Mithra completed and Bani was totally speechless but all she could do was to smile at Mithra)
Meera : College? Bani, you knew her since your college days? (She asked confusedly)
Bani : Haan, Meera Di. Do you remember I used to tell you that I have a best friend at my college? I even told you that I wasn't able to take it when Mithra told me about her parents shifting to Delhi. I guess it happened 6 years ago. Haina, Mithra?
Mithra : Haan, sweetie. I really missed you a lot that time. In fact, I couldn't find another Bani here at Delhi. I spent my remaining college days here by roaming around solely. (She and Bani hugged each other again)
Meera : Oh yes I remember now, Bani. Wow Mithra so you are the one? And you know what? Bani always used to tell me about you during her college days. She always told me if Mithra had been here then she would do this, do that and etc. I always wondered who's that amazing girl that changed my Bani from a dull to a cheerful one like that as she was never one before because of my mom. (Meera sighed sadly while telling the last line)
Bani : It's okay, Meera Di. Just leave it. (She patted on Meera's shoulder)
Mithra : Meera Di, you don't need to tell it. I knew it itself when I saw Bani 3 months ago. One night, she suddenly called me and told me that she wants to come to Delhi to find for a job. I was shocked at first that how could your mother allow her to find for a job that too at Delhi then sweetie said she was not staying with you all anymore and she wanted to shift from Mumbai to Delhi due to some reasons. By God's grace, that time my former MD was searching for a qualified PA so I introduced Bani to him and she ended up joining as his PA. I requested her to stay in my apartment as I was getting bored living alone so she also agreed then we started staying together along with our neighbour Arjun, who is also working at the same office with us. I tried many times asking her why she decided to shift here from Mumbai and almost after 2 months, she slowly started to open up about her life and she also revealed that she is pregnant. But one thing she hid from me which is about Mr Veeranshu. I always felt why Bani was behaving weirdly in front of him at the office but I thought it's maybe due to her mood swings. Only then Mr Veeranshu called me to join him for lunch yesterday and narrated their whole story to me and that's when we both planned to give a birthday surprise to sweetie.
Bani : Mithraaaaaa, are you done with you storytelling time? I can't believe you just narrated whatever happened in 3 months in just 3 minutes. Oh My God, such a radio station you are. And yeah I guess we need to talk about the 'lunch' topic some time later. (She said while pinching Mithra's ear)
Meera : Bani, leave her yaar. Pity her. You should thank her for taking care of you all this while rather than pinching her ear.
Mithra : Aahhhhh...sweetieee... aaaahhh pleaseee leave my ear.... it hurts...ahhh!!
Bani left Mithra's ear and hugged her again.
Bani : I love you my darling.
Mithra : Oh yeah, few seconds ago you almost tried to tear off my ear and now you are saying that you love me? (She asked while pouting)
Bani : Okay enough. Go and bring my clothes first. (She broke the hug and Mithra left to their car)
Meera : Bani, where is Mithra's parents? She said she got bored staying alone just now.
Bani : Hmmm Meera Di, her parents died in an accident 2 years ago. Her elder sister got settled at UK with her husband so Mithra is staying alone here.
Meera : Oh, I really feel bad for her. But she's totally a carefree girl who don't hold onto their emotions for too long. I just admire the way she is.
Bani : Yes, she's very joyful and strong. I have never seen her feeling bad whenever we talk about her parents. Even though her sister is not here but she doesn't skip a day without making video calls to her sister. She is too fond of her sister and now I'm glad that she is fond of me too. She showed me another phase of life which is only to be joyful and enjoy the moment right at that time.
She sighed, thinking about the past. But little did they know, their whole conversation was heard by Veeranshu who was standing at his room door and he decided to show Bani exactly the same phase of life which she lived when she was with Mithra.

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