25. Family Gathering

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Hello, my sweethearts ❤️ I know all of us are in no mood to smile after receiving the bad news of Naagin 5 but as we all know, #VAni will always stay in our heart no matter the serial is going on or not so just relax and keep supporting the actors. Let's hope Sharbhi will act together in a new project very soon. If not, we still can support them individually 💞

P. S. A long chapter of 6k+ words ahead.

One week later :
Veer and Bani came back home from their office at 6:30pm. They both were equally exhausted as it was a hectic day for them at their office.
Veer : Sweetheart, I'm going to sleep for a while. Wake me up after an hour please. (He said while laying down in the bed)
Bani : Veeranshu, go and freshen up first then sleep as long as you want.
Veer : No, I'm too tired. Please leave me for a while.
Bani : Arghhh okay! (She went to freshen up)

After 30 minutes, Bani was in the kitchen preparing for their dinner when she received video call request from Tapish.
Bani : Hi, Tapish Bhai.
Tapish : Hi Bani, how are you?
Bani : I'm fine. How are you? Oh Meera Di is also there? Hi, Meera Di!!
Meera : Hi, Bani. Are you doing well? How was your day?
Bani : It was a hectic day, Meera Di. We just came back from work.
Tapish : Achaa.. Bani, where is Veer?
Bani : Guess what is he doing right now. (She smirked)
Tapish : It's 7:00pm so I think he would be having his dinner now.
Bani : Dinner? I have just started to prepare the dinner. Btw, your brother is sleeping now.
Tapish : What? He is sleeping at this time? Is he not feeling well?
Meera : Haan Bani what happened to Veer? He doesn't sleep at this time.
Bani was about to answer them but Veer snatched the phone from her and interrupted.
Veer : Guys, is it a crime to sleep at this time? Why are you both overreacting now? (He asked annoyedly as he was still in sleep mode)
Bani : Veeranshu! (She glared at him)
Tapish : Okay, leave it. Veer and Bani, we would like to tell you something. (He blushed)
Veer : Bhai??? Are you blushing? Is there any good news? Meera??
Meera was blushing too but Bani was puzzled with their expression.
Veer : Arre, Meera is also blushing. (He grinned)
Tapish : Veer, we have decided to get married soon.
Veer : What?? Really? Wow congrats bro!!!
Bani : Wow!! Tapish Bhai, Meera Di!! Congratulations. Such a good news. We were waiting for this news since quite a long time and finally it's going to happen now.
Meera : Yes, Bani. We have decided to not to postpone it anymore. We are getting married next week.
Veer : Next week? Sounds good. Tapish Bhai, make sure to enjoy the last days of your bachelor's life peacefully.
Bani : Meera Di, you too.
Everyone grinned.
Tapish : So, when are you both coming here? (Tara noticed the expression on Bani's face which had changed)
Meera : Bani, you are coming right? Don't tell me no. It's my wedding and you can't miss it.
Bani : Hmmm actually I...(She was cut by Veer)
Veer : Yes, we are coming. In fact, we will be there tomorrow guys. It's my brother's wedding so we are not going to miss it. (He assured them but Bani stared at him with utmost shock)
Tapish : How about you? Are you coming, Bani?
Veer : She is coming, bhai.
Tapish : Let her answer, Veer.
Bani : Hmmm I-I think I'm...o-okay, we are coming. (She smiled wholeheartedly)
Meera : Thank you so much, Bani. I was worried about you only. I'm finally happy that my sister is going to be with me during the most important day of my life.
Tapish : Yes, thank you, Bani.
Veer : Okay guys so see you all tomorrow. Don't inform anyone at home yet. Let's give them a surprise.
Tara : Okay, sure. Bubye. (They cut the call)
Veer noticed Bani was looking dull and he understood what was the reason behind it.
Veer : Gharwali? (He cupped her face)
Bani : Why did you tell them that we are coming tomorrow? I told you right I'm not coming back to Mumbai for some time.
Veer : Gharwali, they are finally getting married after postponing it for many times. They were supposed to get married 5 months ago but they cancelled it since you left from there. They were waiting since a long time, sweetheart. Let's not disappoint them anymore. Moreover, I think we should go back to Mumbai since we have no enemies now. Jay is dead and yeah about that Shakura, don't worry about that bustard. I will handle him and WE will be safe there. (He said in his final tone)
Bani : I can understand the situation but I just want our baby to be safe from the evil eyes.
Veer : Bani, if suppose I didn't ask you to leave me on that day, you would still be staying there until now right? Then why are you hesitating now? You will be safe there, trust me.
Bani : Hmm okay, Veer.
Veer : I want to tell you one more thing.
Bani : What is that?
Veer : We are not going to return here anymore. Let's stay there, Bani. That is our home and we have to stay there.
Bani : But what about Mithra? She has no one with her now. She has been too attached with me since the last 5 months. I don't want to leave her alone for my selfishness.
Veer : Okay then let's bring her along with us. She will stay there with us in the Singhania mansion.
Bani : That's not possible, Veer. This is her place and how can we ask her to leave her place for us? We are again trying to be selfish here.
Veer : No, Bani. This is not selfishness. I know Mithra is too attached to you so she will definitely agree to stay with us there. In fact, she will get a family there and she doesn't have to be alone again. She can get a job in our company too.
Bani : I don't think so she will accept it, Veer.
Veer : Let me talk to her. Okay? I will try to convince her.
Bani : Hmmm. (She nodded reluctantly)
Veer : Sweetheart, do not worry about anything else. Trust me, you and our baby will be safe there. (He assured her by placing a kiss on her forehead)
Bani : Okay, Veeranshu. (A small smile appeared on her face)

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