𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 6

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"𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝑔𝒾𝒸, 𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓉." -𝓊𝓃𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌𝓃


I was being too hopeful thinking the path out of the Kingdom would be peaceful. So many had stopped Griffin, asking why a prince is leading a carriage. He refused when asked to look in the back, leaving many suspicious. The gates were finally insight, teasing us. But my burst of happiness quickly came to an end when I heard shouts behind us. I felt the carriage rock and Griffin go faster.

"Angel what was that?" he yelled over the stomping of the horse's hooves.

I looked through the curtains to see the same guards following us, one with a familiar.

"7 guards and one familiar."

"Fucks sake." He cried out, pushing to go faster. 

I opened the curtains slightly, biting my lip.

If there was a time to do magic it would be now.

"What type of familiar is it."

"Uh, Naga." I cringed at my words.

"Wow, what wonderful luck." I could hear  his eyes roll.

I stood, quickly grabbing a leaf. 


This spell made objects under 5 pounds larger. A mediocre but not so simple skill, thus giving me a large chance of screwing everything up.

The leaf was growing but than it got smaller. Very small.

I yelled in frustration hitting the floor, getting a splinter. Just great.

A bright idea struck me and I desperately tried taking out the splinter. I held the tiny piece of wood in between my fingernails, attempting the same spell.


The piece of wood grew. I threw it cutting into the Naga's tail.

Luck must have been against me when the Naga got angry, going faster.

In the small window of time I had , I attempted growing a leaf once more.


The leaf grew as I let it go, covering the men and getting in their way. 

Only 3 men were trapped, the others easily broke free. But I had successfully slowed them down.

The giant snake familiar slithered towards us, sinking its fangs into a curtain, a attempt to kill me. Grabbing the dagger strapped to my thigh I stabbed the Naga in the face. The attempt half failed as it let go, taking my dagger along with him. I reached into my book of spells, in the carriage, flipping through its pages.

"A Naga's weakness is limited, but effective


Naga's fangs are poisonous, it's greatest strength and weakness. Once its ejected all it's poison it will feel disoriented and sick until its recovered, recovery can vary from an hour...."

Alright, I can work with that.

I grabbed a pillow, sticking it out of the curtain as soon as the Naga approaches. It stuck it's fangs deep into the soft pillow. It turned into a dark green, disintegrating like cotton candy.

I did the same with every object I could sacrifice. The men running behind caught on and one man called for it's Naga. But he was too late as the Naga bit down on a large stuffed animal, injecting the last of its venom.

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