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Marinette walked back into class looking similar to when she left, save an almost invisible crease between her brows. Though, no one would normally look twice.

No one did. 

Marinette sat down with a plan to follow Lily after school to see if she did anything that could promote suspicion or bad intentions. She sat through the rest of the class with a jittery leg and straying attention that couldn't seem to stay away from a spot over her shoulder. 

The day seemed to last forever, and throughout all the classes Marinette shared with Lily, she exhibited nothing but polite, calm behavior, not a word or action out of place. Marinette couldn't help but notice the way Adrien stared at her when she wasn't looking, and the way he spoke to her at any opportunity he could. He rarely strayed away from her, something that did not go unnoticed by their other friends. Alya and Nino continued to giggle and whisper to themselves about the presumed soon-to-be couple. Marinette merely rolled her eyes and went back to thinking. 

When the day finally ended, Marinette rushed out of the school and across the road to the bakery her parents owned and where they all lived. She waved a quick hello that doubled as a goodbye to her mother, who she passed on her way up to her attic bedroom. As soon as she burst through the light pink trapdoor, she let Tiki out of her purse and said determinedly, "Let's do this, Tiki."

Before Tiki could say anything, Marinette had said the magical words and standing in her place was the super heroine Paris revered and loved, Ladybug.

 Ladybug was a bug on a mission today. 

She leapt out of her room and swung herself across to the school's roof quickly enough so that no one noticed her. At least she hoped so. She sat perched on the edge, watching as students spilled out of the door. In her haste to spot Lily, she failed to notice that the girl in question was sitting leaned against a wall. Lily looked up as Ladybug landed and watched the student below. She stared at the red and black clad woman with all too familiar pigtails in bafflement. 

The heck?

Was she stalking children or something?

"Um.. hello?" 

Ladybug jumped about three feet in the air and swung her yo-yo threateningly around at Lily before seeing who it was and completely losing her cool. 

"Oh! Um... well, this is unexpected." She mumbled the last part to herself. 

"Well... I'm Lily." Lily still looked terribly confused as she stuck her hand out for the heroine to shake. She did not fail to notice the glaringly obvious similarities to the girl who had almost tripped on her way to the bathroom in a couple of her classed today. Ladybug stared at Lily's offered hand dumbfounded for a split second before she decided to ignore it and instead asked the question,

"What are you doing on the roof?" She crossed her arms and leaned on one leg, while Lily let her abandoned hand fall back to her side with a shrug.

"I wanted to wait until it was less crowded before leaving."

"Why?" Suspicion laced Ladybug's tone, something that did not go unnoticed by Lily. Internally, Lily's eyes were rolling. She was already annoyed at this girl in a costume, not seeing any of the kindness or heroism she read about when she first heard about Paris's superheroes. 

"So that no one stops me. I'm tired and I really want to go home." 

Oh. That checked out, since she was quite famous. Now Ladybug knew exactly where she was and could follow her from here. 

"Alright. Move along, citizen." Lily gave her stalker a weird look as she walked past her to the door that led to the stairs. She continued to give Ladybug that look as she opened the door, but she paused just before retreating into the stairway to say this:

"You're a weird one, Ms. Ladybug." 

Ladybug stared at the spot Lily was standing not two seconds before, giving her time to go down the flights of stairs to get to the school entrance before walking over the edge of the building and waiting for her to exit. Once she was in sight, Ladybug swung discreetly after her, tailing the girl as she walked unsuspectingly to her house. 

One might call this 'stalking'. 

Ladybug says that it's not, because she didn't have a good excuse for it to be anything else. 

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