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Lily hummed to herself as she took in her surroundings, Paris still being relatively new to her, as Ladybug followed nimbly on the rooftops, every so often stopping to watch Lily as she walked before bounding into action again. This went on for a period of time, before Lily abruptly turned and walked into an apartment building. 

An apartment building? Wasn't she a worldwide singer or something? Shouldn't she live in a big house like Adrien did?

Ladybug cocked her head in confusion as she stared at the recently closed door where there once stood a worldwide singer before snapping out of it and circling the building to find an opening. Once she found it, she sat and observed. 

Inside there was a modestly furnished apartment with a vase of flowers on the coffee table most visible from the window. Ladybug could see a middle aged man sitting on an armchair next to the table, reading. She heard the telltale sign of a door opening and closing before Lily came into view, kissing the man on the cheek and saying a few hushed words to him, which he responded to with a quick nod. 

Her father, then. He seemed to be a bookworm.

The door opened and closed again before Lily appeared again from the main door, this time with headphones over her ears and a guitar case slung over her shoulder and resting flush against her back. 

Ladybug took off after Lily again. She followed her all the way to Place de Vosges, a park that was close to Marinette's own home. She also followed her to a bench situate in the corner of the park, perching in a tree to stay hidden and observed quietly. She was doing a lot of following today. Lily sat upon the bench with a care that was quite unnecessary for sitting down on a park bench and swung her guitar case around so she could open it. There weren't too many people in the park, and because of the beanie she had stuffed on her head that disguised her enough so that no one saw her, she sat relatively undisturbed. 

Not for long, however. 

As she fiddled with the chords on the guitar, a blue-hair, lanky boy walked by, a guitar also slung over his shoulder. He spotted the kindred person and decided, Ima go say hello

"Hello." Lily jumped slightly and looked up from her extreme focus on her instrument. She squinted against the afternoon sun and responded similarily.


"May I?" He gestured to the empty space next to her. 

"Of course." She scooted over.

"May I?" He repeated. He held his guitar to his chest, ready to play, and his fingers hovered over the strings. Indicating that he wanted to join her in her music making. 

Lily smiled. "You may." 

They played beautiful music together, somehow knowing just how to play the harmonies to the other's melodies and weaving an enchanting stream of tune that carried throughout the park, attracting watchers. 

Ladybug looked down from her perch, unwillingly enjoying the music that her maybe-crush and suspect were making together. She couldn't help the little bubble of jealousy that rose in her gut at the sight of them enjoying their time together. 

If the feeling was in her gut, then her gut must be telling her that this situation was entirely wrong and she must put a stop to it. 

Some watcher had their phones out recording the spontaneous buskers, but a red streak flying across the park caught some of their attention and a couple watchers turned away to look. They could tell it was Ladybug. 

However, the streak wasn't enough to make Lily and Luca stop, and they continue their parade of lilting guitar music. Lily was even adding some vocals, some skibidi's here, some beabadoobedo's there. 

Ladybug fumed on a rooftop. 

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