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"RIGHT WHERE WERE THEY STATIONED?" lilith asked her sister after they successfully managed to escape grey manor, without anyone seeing where the group had gone

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"RIGHT WHERE WERE THEY STATIONED?" lilith asked her sister after they successfully managed to escape grey manor, without anyone seeing where the group had gone. billy had joined the group of four, them now being a group of five- as lilith one did not want to leave the boy, but she knew if they left billy, he would get into so much trouble with uncle samuel.

so when willie had returned after getting himself changed, lilith had went and got billy, briefly informing the green haired boy on what was happening whilst dragging him out of the grey manor once he had also gotten changed.

so now, the group of five were sat in one of the many spare cars that had been sat in the garage of the grey home, tiana driving them somewhere.

"it'll be easier for me to show you when we get there."

"get where?" lilith questioned her older sister, the three sat in the back all exchanging glances, them all mentally asking the same question. tiana didn't say anything as she continued to drive, lilith taking this time to look out the window, admiring the streets of cheshire beginning to wake up as the sun rose.

lilith noticed saya, willie and billy closing their eyes, catching up on some sleep as they knew they needed all the sleep they could get for this mission. the sound of tiana mumbling to herself as well as tapping her steering wheel caught lilith's attention.

"you okay tia?" the older sister of lilith nodding her head, sending lilith a smile smile before bringing her eyes back to look on the road.

"where are we going?" lilith repeated her question from earlier, tiana sighing as she turned the corner, heading down a small housing estate with fairly large houses.

"my home."

"your home?!" tiana nodded her head at lilith's exclaim.

"my home away from home- my safe house i guess you could say. me and alec both bought ourselves homes without uncle sam knowing, so if we needed to get away- we had places to go." lilith nodded her head after listening to her sister, noticing tiana park up the driveway of a nice home.

"not to be rude- but how did you afford this?"

"pros of being a mafia family i guess, you should know this lili." tiana joked, her and lilith turning around to wake up the sleeping three in the back. "but mum and dad actually left us a lot of money each- so you could buy your own home you know."

the mention of her parents made lilith frown for only a moment, before a smile appeared on her face at the remembrance of the memories she had with them. lilith had gotten better with remembering the few good times she had with her parents instead of thinking of the day they died.

"tia it's strange though don't you think-" tiana looked confused as the group of five climbed out of the car, her looking towards her younger sister telling her to continue on speaking. "i had no idea mum and dad left us money, sam didn't even tell me- like I'm eighteen now, i have the right to my own money."

"that can be one of the many things we need to talk to him about when we get back- now come on you lot, it's freezing." tiana shouted to the group, ushering them all towards the front door of her home.

as she opened it, lilith immediately felt a somewhat warm feeling inside. even though if hadn't been lived in a while due to obviously tiana living back at grey manor, she still managed to make this home feel like a home.

"welcome to the wonders of my home i guess." tiana announced to the group, the older sister of lilith walking over to the light switch, turning on the lights in the entrance room.

"feel free to look around if you want, but lilith you are coming with me." before she could protest, lilith was being dragged by her sister into one of the rooms that branched off from the entrance hall. looking around, there was maps, cork boards with multiple coloured pins and different strings.

looking at the board, lilith's blood began to boil at seeing her brothers face pinned up against the board.

"how long have you and alec been looking for him?

"now isn't that a stupid question lili- come on i thought you were smarter than that." tiana teased, lilith rolling her eyes as she walked towards the board. her eyes scanning the multiple crosses made on the map of cheshire, words written around each point.

"so- where was he last seen?"

"here." tiana said as she walked over to lilith, pointing to a pin on the board.

"church? really? you're serious that fucking jason was seen at the church? then he must have died when he walked through the door- cause that boy is satan." lilith looked at tiana, to see the girl trying to hide back a laugh. she then shook her her head, saying she was joking and pointed to another location on the board.

"wait- i recognise that warehouse-"

"you would- it was sam's warehouse before you know, mum and dad-"

lilith sighed, turning her body around as she shouted for her friends to come to where her and tiana were stood. it didn't take long for the four to enter the room, looks of confusion on their faces as their eyes scanned the room.

"so where is he?" willie asked, tiana ushering the four over. billy walked to lilith, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as tiana went through what she knew about jason's last know whereabouts, and the plan she had made.

"you okay?" billy whispered, giving lilith's shoulder a squeeze, the girl leaning into his side more as a smile appeared on her face.

"yeah- if anything happens to any of them billy i don't know how I'm going to cope with it." lilith whispered, "but one thing i know- is that jason is dead if one small cut- even a fucking paper cut- is on any of them."

"we will get them back lili."

"wakey wakey sunshines!"

marcus opened his non-swollen eye, looking up to see jason stood before the three tied up boys, each of them sending the psychotic grey brother a glare. he displayed a sadistic smile whilst he clapped his hands together.

the pain marcus had been feeling had gotten worse, jason deciding to go overboard with every type of pain he could inflict on the three boys. marcus's eye had gotten more swollen- it getting so bad that he couldn't even feel any type of pain on that side of his face.

"so i've been alerted that my dear sisters alongside the other ex-members of king dominion left the comforts of the lovely manor that you are all living in."

"how the fuck do you know that?" alec spat at his brother, angry filling his words. marcus and lex exchanged looks, a frown displayed on lex's face as jason began to talk about lilith.

marcus knew that jason was just doing it to get the boys angry, but marcus knew better. he knew that lex was very, well extremely protective of lilith- him being lilith's brother and family when she didn't know she had any.

"she will kill you, you wanker." lex hissed, jason laughing as he walked towards the young british boy, leaning his eyes down to his level so lex would have to look at him straight in the eyes.

"oh i would like to see her try."

"oh she will."

hello hello :)
it's been a while & i'm sorry
but i'm back to doing school work- oh a levels
will be the death of me- even though i don't have to
do my exams anymore but-

anyway, thank you for being patient & ily you all
stay safe loves!

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