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p.s. before we start- there may be some fun times in this chapter, if you know what i mean 😉
took me 70 chapters but i thought treating you guys a lil bit- don't expect too much I'm still not the best at writing stuff but hey ho :)

don't say i don't spoil you when i want to :)
i can't write like actual spicy scenes so don't expect a lot- like im so bad at writing spicy scenes if you know what i mean ;)

OVERWHELMED WITH WHAT JUST HAPPENED, IT DIDNT SURPRISE LILITH THAT SHE CRASHED DOWN AGAINST HER BEDROOM DOOR AFTER CLOSING IT. it was just so much to feel at once, emotions were running high and it was not something lilith was used to- not for a while anyway.

with the way she slashed jason's throat, lilith thought she would be happy, ecstatic, over the moon even now that he was dead. but that wasn't the case. something lingered at the bottom of her stomach, something lilith couldn't quite comprehend

and she hated that.

"maybe i am a monster. maybe i am a psychopath." lilith mumbled to no one but herself. normally lilith was not one to think about herself in this manner, but thanks to her having gone through her life up to meeting marcus at kings dominion, it made lilith look back at her behaviour.

"fuck lilith- just forget that. jason is dead. you can live fine now." lilith smacked her head, practically smacking away the thoughts that were clouding her mind.

with it being the middle of the night, lilith thought now would be a good time to just go to sleep- her feeling physically and emotionally drained after tonight's course of events. she knew she had left her family downstairs with her dead brother- what they did to him, she did not know- she didn't even check to see if jason was actually indeed dead. but she didn't care- she made her mark, she slashed his throat- that was all that mattered in that time.

she was protecting marcus. what would have jason of done to marcus, lilith did not know- but she couldn't take that chance.

slipping back on her pyjamas, lilith crawled back into the warmth of her bed when a faint knock was heard at her door. thinking it was just her uncle or something, lilith dismissed the knock as she leaned back on her pillow.

sleep was about to prepare itself to overcome lilith when she heard her door open. eyes opening instantly, lilith went to grab the dagger by her bed when she saw the familiar face of the boy she had grown a confusing history with over the last few years.

"hey arguello."

"hey grey, you okay?" marcus asked in a concerning tone, him closing the door behind him before advancing himself over to lilith's bed. upon having him in her room, lilith thought it was only appropriate to turn on the lampshade by her bed, just so she could see his face. and he could see hers.

KNOCKOUT. . . deadly class ✓Where stories live. Discover now