i miss you

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(A/N 100 VIEWS WTF? ARE YOU GUYS INSANE? dont mind me just becoming #famous HAHA seriously though thank you guys so much. I know this is a pretty rough story but I love the concept and so I will stick it out. This chapter also might be a shorter one considering there isn't too much that is supposed to happen until later on in the story :))

 (slight TW mention of panic attack)

 A couple of days after the visit to the hospital, with bruises still upon his pasty skin, George was finally allowed to leave that awful healing prison and go home. 


   There was no way in hell George would, or could, go home. Not after everything that went down just a dew days prior. Again, people would find him more insane if he went back to that wretched brick house that is haunted with the ghosts of that night.

   Clay offered for George to stay with him, which was odd, considering just the other day he left George to deal with the scars he had caused. Although it was odd, he didn't refuse the offer. He needs a place to stay, after all. Even if he did want to go back to the haunted house which he used to call his home, construction workers, along with regular civilians and emergency workers, were tidying up the wrecked home that was filled with dangerous spirits of the past events.

   The trip to Dream's small apartment was filled with silence, yet the silence was very telling of the situation that has just gone down. it wasn't uncomfortable, per say, just tense. As they were striding along the sidewalk, well, George tried to keep up with his aching body, a familiar face popped into their line of vision.

   Oh no.

   "Clay? Why are you walking with...with him," Nick sneered while approaching the two boys. He somehow hasn't heard of the news about George, which the blond did not know, as it caused a shocked, almost hurt expression among the taller's face. 

   "Do you even know what happened to him, Sapnap? He has been through hell and back, lay off," Dream defended George for the first time in, well, ever. Finally, someone was protecting George from all of the heat from Nick's inner dragon. He could finally let his tense shoulders drop slightly, but not completely in case Clay suddenly changed his mind about the boy.

   "What possibly could have happened, did he fall off his bike or something?" Sapnap giggled at his own joke before getting a phone shoved in his face. 

   "Why are you showing-," Sapnap finally realized what situation had just happened as he looked upon the screen. Horror struck his hazel eyes as he looked at the slightly shorter brunette, who looked as if he just witnessed a murder.

   It's because he actually did, in fact,  witness a murder.

   "Holy shit, I'm so sorry I didn't know, I wouldn't have said anything if I knew oh my god I'm so stupid holy shit," Nick muttered, clearly upset at himself, seeing as he practically just made fun of someone who literally has been through hell.

   George nodded at the slightly taller hazel-haired boy. He knew he wasn't trying to be rude, well, he was until he learnt about the heavy load of information about the poor boy. George's eyes widen as he realized what had just happened as he rethought the past events. His father had killed his happiness, literally and figuratively, in front of him. And he managed to get away, because George was too scared to face his dad, but more importantly, he was too much of a coward to face his inner demons. He couldn't escape his thoughts before, he couldn't at that moment, even now George is still struggling with his emotions. 

   Even though the boy literally has every emotion swirling in his thought-filled brain, he still feels...


   George didn't even realize tears were flowing down his tomato-like cheeks until Clay and Nick turned around to check that the boy was still following them. As it turns out, the brunette was curled into a ball on the hard concrete, tears sliding down his cheeks effortlessly, as he rocked back in fourth muttering the same few words over and over again.

   "I miss you."

   Dream quicky moved towards the boy on the ground, kneeling to attempt something he never thought he would, especially with the boy in danger. He tried to care.

   "Hey, hey it's okay. I'm here, okay? Just breathe with me. 1...2...3... inhale, okay good. 1..2..3.. exhale, okay good. Let's keep repeating that okay? Just breathe, George," Dream calmly spoke, clearly having experience in the panic attack department. As George's breathing somewhat became more even, the boy was shocked how golden boy knew how to calm someone from that kind of state. Maybe Dream had experienced it before himself.

   No. No way golden boy has had a panic attack.

   As George gazed upon golden boy's emerald eyes, he noticed something hidden underneath that only someone as hurt as George could notice. he noticed the hint of struggle, the hint of pain masked by his, at first glance, true smile. He noticed the pain because he sees himself when looking into those forest-like eyes.

   Maybe they weren't so different after all.

   Even though George noticed the the happiness that was glazed over the hurt, he didn't mention it to Dream. That would only cause pain on both sides of conversation. And everyone knows George needs a break from pain, physically and mentally.

   "I miss her, Clay." George faintly whispered, almost as if he was talking to his inner thoughts.

   "Of course you would miss her. She was your sister,"

   "She wasn't just my sister."

   Confusion took over dream's face, eyebrows furrowed, peering into George's sad, puppy-like eyes.

   "She was my everything."

(977 words)

A/N Sorry if this chapter seemed a bit short and rushed, I wanted to make sure I had a crater prepared to put out so people weren't just left staring at the last chapter like what anyways yeah I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Once again, sorry for always talking about my views, but 100 views is so crazy and I appreciate everyone reading my story, even if you just read one chapter or if you read them all. I love you guys so much<3 make sure to drink water and eat if you haven't already :)

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