oh hello!

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(btw the character name is O.g Alex) A dark green armor figure came crashing into a forest (or anywhere on land) creating a 25-meter-wide and 10 meters deep crater. Dirt,Dust,and other debris were scatted from the impact, The earth both around and in the carter form crevice from the force of the impact . The figure seemed to be completely unconscious.(btw it is the praetor suit from Doom 2016,if I haven’t already mention..)"
(btw maybe near some corrupted shape/wolf?(I think that what are are called..))"
Ti runs over to the figure.  "Are you alright?!?"She says worried."
The figure is still unconscious..."

With wolf

Glare looks at Wolf and transforms into his dragon form(medium size), ready to attack."
"As the wolf ran at Abyss, a loud bang came of of no where a blue bolt of...something hit the wolf hard, knocking it out completely."

Abyss looks over to see a person with cannon.
Crimson:this won't be the last you see if me!
He disappears and Glare looked angry he didn't get to fight.
(wow that was terrible English by me..)
Abyss couldn't seemed to the person who had the cannon , Suddenly ,Abyss spotted a small   small rustle  in a far away bush which had line of slight of the area.
((Btw abyss is also a wolf but he can be hostile if mad))
Ti carrys the figure to the camp.  "Who's the person your carrying?"Said Telexo worried and surprised.  "I don't know...he just fell out of the sky."Said Ti placing him down on a table."

Moon wakes up looking at them and floats over to them.
Moon:That looks like a asker
Telexo and Ti jumped not knowing she was awake.

wolf's back story and ask jsabWhere stories live. Discover now