when will she find out about her past she wishes to forget about. All of this back story is in jsab(justshapesandbeats) so I don't own any characters except my OC's.
With ??? Yes I have kidnapped those two hero's now to test my new infection "death pink". ??? Injects the death pink into moon and sun.they turn a dark pink with blood dripping from their eyes then attacked the guy killing him.
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Error: card master let's go hurt some people.
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Card master: sure let's go error but don't hurt the cyan one. Error: why? Card master: because he's cute . (Sun x cyan yassss but rn sun corrupted so sad) "Taza turned into Kazamon and ran into the forest." A odd noise sound like a broken robot could be heard cyan looked at the forest looking for the noise then a card hit a tree next to him and the card said" hello cyan ;) " Cyan looked confused as he saw a person with cards around them. Card master: why hello there cyan looking cute as normal ;) Cyan blushes a bit then says"who are you?! Card master: why I used to be called sun but now I'm card master. Cyan looks a bit sad but asks "what was that glitchy noise? Card master:oh that was error her name was moon she was just looking at cherry hero but then hit her head on a branch when she wasn't looking. Cyan chuckles a bit but quietly. Card master:why so quiet? Anyway go head back your friends their looking for you but cya cyan. Card master disappears like a magician but appears near cherry. Cherry looked at Card Master ready to fight." Card master:ah why hello there you must be cherry I'm card master or sun was my name. ""W-What do you want?"Cherry said to Card Master." Card master shook his head and something yellow hit his head and he was sun again.a red hero like cherry jumped down and lifted sun up. Sun:thanks ruby but I'm still dizzy. Ruby:no problem sun now we have to deal with mo-(she spots moon and flings a white treeangle piece at her) gotcha moon. Cherry is unfazed by Ruby's suddenly appearance. We should go back to camp."Said Cherry unmaturing at the same time." Ruby: oki i already told the other except cyan.sun you go tell him. Sun: fine Sun walks to where he saw cyan last saw cyan...crying? Cyan was mumbled about how it was his fault for not protecting sun and sun pulls out his flower crown and puts it on cyans head and hugs him. Sun:it's not your fault cyan it was my curiosity to check on moon. Cyan was a shocked and blushed when sun put the crown on him and hugged him but got up and walked back to camp with sun confused but sun blushes after remembering what he said as he was corrupted. With ruby hiding with cherry watching them both. Ruby:I f###ing ship it "I also ship it."Whispered Cherry to Ruby With sapphire I was walking in the woods when I saw a odd pink corrupted so I walked over to him and he also had a broken heart above his head like me. Kazamon looked behind him to see Sapphire and holded his neaklace." Sapphire: broken heart like mine. Oh sorry for taking it here have it back"she said with a smile. Kazamon ran away deeper in the forest. Sapphire: fine Taza be that way I know all even your past it's sad just like mine. Sapphire mumbles something about that corrupted being cute. With ruby dragging moon Cherry!"Said Ti grabing and hugging Cherry. "Please don't run off again."Ti said to Cherry." Ruby:moon is unconscious btw oh hi wolf where's crimson. Wolf points to a muffled crimson tied up and wolf grinned. Ruby:I'ma find sapphire Who's Crimson? Also Wolf do you know where Taza went?"Said Cherry to Wolf." Crimson:I'm Ruby's caretaker and I'm part of wolf's group. Abyss bonks him in the head. A dark blue hero flew over to them with ruby. Ruby:this is Sapphire. Sapphire looks at sky which has stars. Hello Sapphire! Oh stars!"Said Cherry looking at the stars." Sapphire:they are constellations and galaxy's I can see. Ruby:you and your space stuff sapphire. Og.Alex appeared next to crimson Og.Alex:” Hey! I am still-“ Og.Alex seemed to have realised where he was. Og.Alex:”Oh.... this is awkward..” Wolf:hi Alex Sapphire is sleeping on wolf's head and moon woke up looking straight at the #moon# and moon poofs out her wolf ears and tails while walking around.