gone pink

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Cherry floated over to Moon. "Hello! My name's Cherry! What's your name?"Said Cherry very enthusiastic."
As he landed on the table...a blight light blue emitted from the figure, temporarily blinding anyone looking directly at it...when everyone vision returned, the figure seemed to have changed...A closer look at the figure would reveal ,a modified green armor with black highlights, exposed forearm which was riddled with muscles , a black helmet with an antenna, and a blue visor(or basically the armor from Doom 64) and futuristic looking glove(or gauntlet).....he still seemed to be unconscious."
Moon now has wolf ears clicking them in a pattern (morse code).
(I going out for a bit guys be back soon) they all noded there heads and moon flew off.
Cherry followed Moon a little but then went back to Ti. "When do you think he'll wake up?"Said Telexo to Ti worried. "I don't know but hopefully he will."Replied Ti to Telexo."
The figure started to move a little And raise one of his hand"
The figure turned to faced Ti
(M.A:Also you kind of got the timeline a bit mixed up..)"
((I have fixed it))

With abyss
What should we do now? Go back to camp or follow the rustle in the bush?"Said Glaze to Abyss."
Well Abyss...we should go back to camp. Or if you still want to try to follow it. Your choice."Said Glaze to Abyss.
Abyss:let's head to ba-*something pink the back of his head and hissed at the pain and was turning pink then he scratched glare in the eye and dashed off.

With moon
Moon was playing around in the forest until she was not feeling well and she started coughing and she turned.......pink

Glare was confused and thankfully his eye was only got a scar

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Glare was confused and thankfully his eye was only got a scar. He went back to camp and went to Ti. "Where's Abyss? What happened to your eye?"Said Ti. "Abyss somehow got corrupted by the pink corruption..."Mumbled Glaze and Ti healed his eye. "Oh...well I think this figure is waking up."Said Ti."
The figure slowly got up into a sitting position on the table...
the figure asked sounding a bit confused."
Hi I'm Ti. What's your name?"Said Ti to him."
"???:"a...the name is O- I mean Alex.. nice to meet you"
He seemed to answered with a hint of both nervousness and curiosity but was mostly...neutral...."
Alex:" So... where am I?""
Your in Paradise. Your in our camp right now."Said Ti as she was looking around. "Hey Glaze...can you go find Cherry plz."Said Ti to Glaze and Glaze ran off.((do you like forth walls))
("I think we're in forest to be more specific."Whispered Ti back.)"
Alex:" ok.... so... want me to help with anything?""
Well...Wolf is still missing, Abyss is corrupted, and the pink corruption is still on going. I mean I could probably teleport there by Ras's powers but I need to focus on my friends and new friends!"Ti seemed to be having a panic attack and is running around the camp in panic because too many things are going on."
Alex:"right... you guys need any help?""
With cherry
Cherry decided to go to Moon and found her. When she saw Moon, Cherry quickly turned into her angry/corrupt form. "Moon!?!"Cherry said surprised and held her scythe if Moon decided to attack."
Moon looked at her excited.

oon:hi do you like singing battle I do.she smiled.((pink moon isn't hostile unless
someone hurts her new friend))
Singing...battle? Um...Anyways why did you hurt Glaze?"Said Cherry confused. "Cherry! Why are you here-"Glaze said out of breath till he saw Moon."
Moon hides behind a tree.
Moon:he's scary, l-like crimson. Moon looked super scared and glaze new who crimson was.((they fought I guess))
He's not that scary...Glare could be scared by a Ti's scythe or even a mouse/small sound. He doesn't even know battle skills and would cry in public sometimes."Said Cherry truthfully. Glare was crying on the floor and spinning in a circle."
Moon can out of her hiding and looked at them..or...... behind them and growled they turn to see wolf but younger?
((Wolf has been turned younger for 10 asks and abyss as well;wolf is now 4.9 and abyss is 4.5 ft tall))
((Also where did CassieTheWolfgirl go she went poof after wolf took the ask box))
What?"Cherry and Glare are confused that Wolf is younger. "Hey Moon...can you go back to camp please."Said Cherry. "Alright...uh...Wolf...can you go back to with us..."Said Cherry to Wolf."
Moon somehow turns back to normal and cherry is confused.
At camp
A kid waves at alex and alex waves back
((Little abyss)) and the kid walked in and Telexo know it was abyss but little.
Telexo:wait abyss but little?
Ti hugs little abyss and little abyss just confused.
Alex slowly walked over to the kid towering over him
Alex:”hello there what is your name?”"
Little Abyss:I'm abyss but others call me abyssal.

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