Chapter 2

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18 hours later I arrived at the Incheon International Airport. It was always a little complicated to travel if you have some guns with you, South Korea wasn't an exception. As I walked into the terminal I saw a man waiting and I walked straight to him. In my job I learned to read people, so I knew he was the right one. "Mrs. Cross?" he asked politely. As I nodded he bowed and shook my hand. He took my luggage and we walked into the parking slot. With a black van we were driving to Seoul. "Thank you for coming." the manager said, looking on the street and I nodded. "Please tell me more about this case. When did it start and how often do those letters arrive?" I asked and checked my phone. Even I had the file as a copy with me, Spencer send me an extra one on my phone. "It started 4 weeks ago. At first we thought it was a casual fan, who was following one member and writing those mails to get one attention. But it changed last week. The stalker talked about murder and was always close. We stocked up our security, but they haven't seen somebody. The letters got more and more specific. We did anything to protect him, but the stalker is still there, still following him. We talked to the police, but they couldn't find any traces, no finger prints, DNA or anything else. They are not coming every week or every day. They're arriving in different periods. Somethings you can read something about his day, about his behavior, sometimes just telling that the time is ticking. So I asked some friends in the music industry and they told me that you are one of the best agents to protect our client and maybe going to find the devil." he explained. The devil, nice. Sounds like they were getting nervous. This person is writing the letters whenever he or she thinks it's worth it. "How do we need to behave that the stalker won't notice you?" he asked. He was always talking about a stalker, but this person was much more. Stalking was just the sidekick. A little bonus to enjoy the show, to watch the victim suffering. Stalking wasn't the number one goal. "Oh, I want he or she to notice that I'm here." I answered his question. He looked suspicious to me. "But why? Then the stalker knows that we are protecting our client or want to find him or her" he asked confused. The most people didn't understand our methods. "It's simple. It's shows the perpetrator that we are aware and we are going to protect our client. Moreover we hope that he or she is doing some mistakes. Maybe this person is getting nervous, maybe we are getting more hints. Maybe this person is getting mad and we'll find him or she because of this. Sometimes it's better to she the perpetrator that we aren't one step behind" I explained. The manager nodded but I knew the wasn't happy with this.

We arrived in front of a huge apartment complex, where the band was living in. I was excited to see what the client was thinking. Some people are scared or nervous, some people mad. I was curious to see what type of person the singer was. As we entered the apartment I knew that Kpop was huge. I was used those luxury apartments from high payed celebrities or politicians. Not from a band I just barely knew the name of. Somebody was sitting at the couch and looked on his phone. I knew it was my client. "Jungkook, I want you to meet somebody" the manager said. "Mr. Jeon, I'm special agent Amber Cross. I'm here for your safety." I introduced myself, but he didn't even looked up from this phone. "Sejin, I told you I don't need a babysitter" my client said. The manager was going to answer as I raised my hand to stop him. "Mr. Jeon, I'm not your babysitter. I'm here to protect you. This is serious" I explained and he looked up. He was scanning me from head to toe. "And you are going to protect me? I can handle it myself. It's just another crazy fan. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing personal. But you are a girl, your are not even as tall as I am and you are my age. Not even real security people could protect me of the crazy person" he smirked. I was used to those prejudices. "Feel free to check my resumes. This case sounds serious. And I don't think you can handle the situation by yourself. Unless you have any experiences from the military or security, I'm pretty sure you can't handle the situation by yourself, even you are a man. Don't take it personal" I said and gave him a light smile. I knew I hit his ego and that was the plan. "Whether you like it or not, Mrs. Cross is staying until we find this person. Can I show you your apartment?" Sejin explained Jungkook and looked at me. "I'm sorry, but I'm not staying in a different place than the client." I said and looked at Mr. Jeon. "I'm going to be near 7 days a week, 24 hours a day." I said. I knew he wasn't happy, cause he pressed his clenched his jaw and gave me a look like he wanted to kill me. "Sure. Uhm, I'll make sure you are getting your own room here" the manager said and left into another room to make some calls. It didn't felt like another mission, it felt more like babysitting on a spoiled kid. And I did even that, so I should be able to handle a Kpop singer, right?

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