Chapter 3

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It was 5am and I was sitting in my new bed. I was wondering if the perpetrator already noticed me. And if he or she did, what was going to happen? Madness, anger, pressure, excitement? I needed coffee, that was a thing I was sure about. I pulled a black hoodie over my black top. Rule number one: Be always ready if something happens. I put my gun in the waistband of my black leggings and walked into the dark living room. Everything was silent. When I had my coffee, I sat on the couch and grabbed my phone. 'Good morning captain. Nothing happened last night. My client isn't happy, he thinks he could deal with it alone. Let see what happens, when the perpetrator is noticing me. I'll keep you up to date. A.C.' It didn't take him long to answer. 'Good luck'. Thanks captain, but I didn't need any luck. If a client thinks he could deal with a situation by himself, it could get dangerous. I was just hoping he was changing his mind. It was 8am when my client woke up and walked into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee as well. "Good morning, Mr. Jeon. Did you rest well?" I asked. Was it weird being formal to somebody younger? No, I was used to it. "Sure. Why wouldn't I?" he mumbled sleepy. His hair was a mess, wearing black shorts and a black sweatshirt. "I'm going to take a shower if that's okay" he mumbled as he finished his coffee. A real sunshine in the early mornings, nice. I didn't say anything. It was my job to be as invisible as possible, giving them as much protection as possible. My phone peeped. I got an email from Sejin, the manager. He send me a schedule of my client. I sat at the dining table to work through the timetable. Gym, dance practice, rehearsals, shows, everything was timed. The regular sessions were always on the same times. It wasn't be difficult for the perpetrator to know their schedule and following my client. Mr. Jeon walked out of his room with wet hair and sport dress. The walked back to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast and sat down on the other side of the table. Suddenly, there was a noise right outside of the apartment. I looked up. "Stay here and be quiet" I whispered. Jungkook stopped chewing and was watching me. I placed my right hand on my gun and crept to the door. I looked though the peephole, but I couldn't see anything. I opened it quick but nobody was there. Just another little note. I pulled the fabric over my hand and took the note. I walked back in. Mr. Jeon looked confused. "Another note" I said and laid it down on the table. My client walked around the table and stopped right next to me to see the letter.

 My client walked around the table and stopped right next to me to see the letter

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"What he..." he whispered. It was the same outfit as this morning. "This is me when I woke up. In my bedroom" he mentioned. I walked straight into his room and Mr. Jeon was following me. "This person is watching me inn my bedroom?" he asked and I noticed that he was getting mad. I walked to his shelf and moved the objects in there just a little bit. "There it is" I said and took a micro camera behind one of his books. "You are kidding me." he said shocked. "I don't, Sir" I answered. I walked through his bedroom, closet and bathroom. That was the only camera. We walked back to the dining room. The perpetrator had excess to his apartment. "This person was filming me while I was sleeping. And when I'm naked." he almost yelled. "Yes, Sir." I said and red the letter. This person noticed me, my planned worked. "Great, now you're here and the stalked is mad. What if those pictures are getting online?" he yelled. "Yes, the perpetrator noticed me and that's good. That was the plan. And he or she won't post or sell it. It's for private enjoyment." I sat and looked closer at the camera. "This person was inside my apartment" he shouted. "Do you still think you can handle it by yourself, Sir?" I asked and looked straight into his almost black eyes. He pressed his lips together. I grabbed my phone and called the manager. "We need new locks, secure locks on the front door. And I need to see the video material of the front camera to the apartment complex." I said and hung up. One hour later everything was done and I was watching the material. "What was that?" Sejin asked. There were two breaks in the video, for five seconds in a lapse of 4 minutes. "The person was using a interfering signal" I explained. He or she was a professional one. "I don't wanna disturb you, but our perpetrator isn't a simple stalker and an insane fan. We are dealing with something serious" I explained. "Should be cancel the interview tomorrow?" the manager asked worried. "No. But Mr. Jeon isn't going anywhere without me" I said and looked at him. He wasn't happy about it, but he knew it would be the safest. "You have dance practice. Let's go." I said. I would take a closer look on the camera when tonight. And I hope I'd find an indication of this person.

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