Chapter 4

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"Did you find any anything on the camera?" Spencer asked. "Not at all. The signal goes to 40 different router around the world. It's impossible to follow it back." I answered. It had been 10 days since the perpetrator send anything. The manager and the band were glad, but my captain and I weren't. Because it meant that he or she was still following the plan. No letters, no evidences. And both of us knew that the person wouldn't stop. "Did the client still thinks that he could handle it by himself?" he asked through the phone. "I have no idea. I think he's annoyed. I don't think that he's taking it serious enough" I complained and sighed. Why was it so hard for him to be protected? Because I was a woman? Because I was a few inches smaller? "What do you know about the personality of my client?" I asked him. I was curious to know. "Maybe you should as the manager? He knows a side of him that we don't know, yet. Korean industries are really good in hiding and controlling" he said instead of answering my question. I nodded. "I'll call him and ask for a meeting" I agreed.

30 minutes later Sejin arrived. He looked concerned. "What's wrong?" I asked as the entered the apartment and walked straight to me. "I got another envelope. The stalked send it to the company" he said and handed me the envelope. No stamp, of course not. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and sat back down.. "Before I open it... I need more information about my client" I said. The manager was surprised. "Jungkook? What do you wanna know?" he asked and leaned back one his chair. "He's not taking the situation serious. Who is Jeon Jungkook? And I don't wanna get the official management statement. I need to know the truth." I said and looked straight into his eyes. He leaned forward and rested his arms on the table. "Jungkook is ambitious, maybe to ambitious. He has a golden personality. He's caring and loving. And that's the reason why he don't wanna bother anybody. He wants to deal with his problems by himself. And it might be a problem that you are a woman, because he wants to protect others, not the other way around. Jungkook can't handle situations if he thinks he disappointed anybody. That includes hate comments. He can't just ignore those, because he's thinking he did something wrong for getting those. On the other side he is funny, goofy and friendly." he explained. "So, hard on the outside and soft on the inside?" that would explain a lot. I nodded. I need to talk to my client or doing anything. Right in time, he walked into the living room. "Sejin? What are you doing here?" he asked surprised. "We got a new mail, Sir" I answered. He didn't need to know about our earlier conversation. I opened the envelope and the inside was surprising. "Two notes?" Sejin asked. "I got one, too" I said and handed them both.

 "I got one, too" I said and handed them both

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"Your parents? Family reunion? What does it mean?" my client looked at me

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"Your parents? Family reunion? What does it mean?" my client looked at me. This was the first time his eyes told something else that frustration. "That just means that the perpetrator did his homework. And I'm in the game, too." I explained. But his letter was way more interesting. "Look, it's about hurt feelings" my client almost yelled. "I don't think so." I mentioned and read the note again. "It isn't saying 'party of your life' or 'part of your thoughts'. It's saying 'party of the story'. It has a different meaning." I explained. Mr. Jeon took the note and read it out loud. "I think it's not a woman. And it has nothing to do with romantic feelings. Did you left somebody behind?" I asked and looked to Jungkook, who was thinking about it, really hard. "Not that I know. Some friendships didn't last, but nothing bad happened" he answered my question. 'After the final, there is no encore'. I read this line again and again. "I think the person is waiting for the tour" I mumbled more to myself. "What, why?" Sejin asked. "Final - encore. It has something to do with Mr. Jeons carrier and the business." I had no idea if the perpetrator was a man or woman, but it had nothing to do with romance. This person suffered and wanted my client to suffer as well. And now I was part of the game. With this note, the person told a lot. Maybe it was part of the game, or he/she lost control. "Let he games begin" I said and looked at Mr. Jeon and Sejin with a light smile on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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