twenty eight

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Once my owl had dropped off the letter to draco i sent him off with the other. After that night i was never able to sleep with the memories wedged in the back of my mind. I cant describe it. Its like im being warned or something. Draco should be able to help me out. He always does. Im just hoping he gets this. Once again night fell but i was still lying at my desk. My eyes were still wide open waiting for a reply. Yet nothing came. I need to write to harry. I couldnt stay here. Especially not with them.

Dear harry, i know this is a bit of a shock especially for the reason im writing. I cant explain much but my 'parents' are not so much here with me anymore. I need a place to stay until we go back to hogwarts. And i was wondering if you could ask uncle vernon and aunt petunia if it was possible for me to stay?

Ive written to a few people and not one has answered, plz write to me as soon as you get this.

Love from, charlotte.

Few minutes after my owl arrived back with a letter. I was just hoping it was from harry or draco. It was harry.

Dear charlotte, i asked them and they sajd you are welcome to stay as long as there is no magic involved. You know what they're like. They also said that you will be having my room for the time being and i will share with dudley. 'Cant wait'. I will await your arrival and make sure to come as soon as possible. You dont want to be hanging around there all day. Besides we have alot of catching up to do.

Lovs from harry

I was just wondering what he meant by catch up. I mean we hardly talk at school and the one people who talk to me in gryffindor is hermione and ginny. Though i hadnt seen her much this year.

As soon as i read over ' i will await your arrival and make sure to come as soon as possible. You dont want to be hanging around there all day."
Wow he must really be lonely in that house for him to have said that?

Anyways, i tried avoiding the trauma in the main room. I got my cases and headed straight to the centre of london. I didnt even have to travel by myself either...

Also when later chapters come im going to be making the letters charlotte send, a full chapter for each day. Only because too much is going on in this and it just felt weird when making them that short so yeah... make sure to go follow me and vote for this chapter. Xxxx

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