Echo Canyon

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'Well here we are." said Tanya.

As Sonic and friends think they are going to Weenie Barn.

"Are we here at Weenie Barn." Tails asked.

"Yum I would like chili dogs please." said Sonic.

"No we're at another scenic view point." Tanya told them.


"Everybody of the car now."

Everyone got out of the car and stretched.

But Sonic was looking at the comic book.

Streaks explains that the canyon is famous for it's echo.

"Let's take turns yelling into the canyon."

"Sticks you start."


"Boooooorrrinnnnng!" shouted Sticks.


Scourge is playing on a huge boulder at the top of a nearby hill. He then loses his balance and the boulder starts crashing down the hill and right when it's about to hit the car, it just misses it, sending it down a cliff.

Tanya was angry at him and chases him down a hill as their yelling has a very loud echo.

"Now that's what I call a remarkable echo."

"My turn."

Sonic yelled into the canyon.

"Sonic rules!"

"Let me try." said Shadow.

"All hail Shadow!"

Everyone took turns yelling into the canyon.

Amy had a turn.

"Sonic is my boyfriend!"

Sonic just blushed.

"Are you blushing Sonic."


Tanya had stop chasing Scourge and went back.

"Scourge don't you ever stand on that boulder you could have got hurt."

"Sorry." he said looking guilty.

"I can't stay mad at you because I can't resist that look."

Tanya picked him up Scourge give her a hug.

Everyone looked at the view of the canyon.

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